Thursday, July 26, 2007

Meimona, The Everywoman

It has been two years since I noticed that there was definitely something wrong with Meimouna. She has been our neighbor for about seven years, living three blocs away from my parents’ house. Ever since I knew her, many things have happened to us and to the country. Meimona broke up with her husband the same day the country broke up with TAYA ) (lol). I remember standing confused not able to tell my feelings. I was in the cloud nine about the news of tanks rolling around the streets of NKTT in what appeared to be a bloodless coup against the vicious dictator. This euphoria was marred by the sad face of my mother telling me that Meimouna is divorced. Although our relationship never got beyond formal and quick exchange of Salamoualeikoum, her frequent visits to the family and her shy and conservative manner made her one of those women who are likely to win your respect easily and then your affection. So, always with a head-down attitude when saying hello, she gained my respect and admiration as I started to see her as a member of the family. Small wonder then that the news of her divorce overshadowed my excitement about and celebration of Taya’s departure.

Now it has been two years since Mauritania conducted her course without Taya and Meimouna faced her fate without her husband. What became of the country is what I’ve been trying to tell you since I launched the blog. What became of Meimouna is another story, which I’ll try to tell you today.

But first, why the feeling that there’s something wrong about Meimouna?

I was walking through the corridor which lead to the living room, when I saw my mother with other women. They were talking, laughing and drinking tea. This is a familiar sight which I used to meet with a hasty hello, hurrying my way to the living room at the end of the hallway. Not now! There was Meimouna among these women, looking like nothing I’ would have expected. I was stunned when she looked at me straight in the face and asked half-speaking and half-laughing if I still know her “matleit taarafna”. I have faced this not- quite-innocent question many times and had answered it in a variety of ways, but from her it came as a shock which rendered me speechless. She was there, ten years younger than her age, confident, defiant, well dressed and casting her net wide on me. With the heavy make-up, the expensive mobile she kept brandishing and the French perfume filling the air, Meimouna fitted not in my image of a mother of five who had been left to the vagaries of the cold world after her husband abandoned her. Back to consciousness, I heard her answering a question from one of the women “hamda el moulana elli ouveit menou, houa ‘el ai eeg”.

With this note of relief and freedom from Meimouna in mind, I started to ask whether divorce is a curse or a blessing and if divorced women in our society have any regrets at all about losing the sacred bond of marital commitment and partnership. Whether a woman in our rapidly changing society has anything to loose from divorce. And If her loss, if any, is comparable to her gain.

We are probably the only society on earth which celebrates divorce and allows divorced men and women a clean bill of health when they try to marry again, and again. I'm sure the scene of divorced women being cheerlead in fancy procession cars to their parents is a sight too common for us to beg contemplation. We don't even ask whether it's a wedding or a break-up celebration, we have become so used to it that we are no more excited by the event of marriage than we're saddened by the eventuality of divorce. And by the same token that marriage has been stripped of its moral and emotional significance as a mutual partnership for life, divorce also has been purged of all its negative connotations.

We all know that divorce is the sad end of a failed marriage. In some other social contexts, divorce offers an important second chance in life for couples who couldn't get along together anymore as wife and husband. It's a chance given by society to start over without absolving the couples of their social responsibility toward the children. Society, through mechanism of behavior control, like courts and others, makes sure that we don't tamper with the value of the family which is the basis of society and the sole guarantee of its continuity. This is why state institutions, law, religion, etc are part of a network of moral vehicles cultivated and used by society to make sure that marriage is respected and that divorce is discredited. In some societies, divorced husbands can't afford to make ends meet because ninety percent of their income goes to the children. So after divorce, they find themselves confined to a life of celibacy till this end. These may be extreme measures, but they show how much societies want to preserve themselves and their continuity by making marriage sacred and by protecting the family.

I'm no Dr. Phil (lol) but this is the truth, if a society fails to monitor the behavior of individuals, the result will be a sate of anarchy where anything goes. And the laws against divorce and the social stigma attached to it worldwide are just an expression of this collective will to avoid a life of chaos and lawlessness.

But do Mauritanians think twice before they embark upon "abkadou al halai"? The answer is no. In fact they don't think at all when they take the decision. Everyone of you has certainly a member of the family who has divorced his wife, remarried and divorced her again for no reason at all. Some of you also may have close relatives who were obliged to use a third party to marry his wife , divorced for the third time, before he can claim her back "ala sounati allahi wa rassouli " (lol). If you try to figure out why both sexes are quick to resort to divorce as a handy solution for their problems, you'll be amazed to find out there need be no reason at all. Divorced men and women in our society are just relishing their rights granted to them by a culture which gives precedence to divorce over marriage. We're a society of divorcees because ours is a culture of divorce. Full stop. This explains how divorce doesn't have to do with the social background, regional origin, professional success or level of education. In Nouakchott, we're all actual or potential second-hand husbands and wives. It's amazing that as much as you're jealous, fellow Mauritanian, you don't realize that your wife today will be someone else's wife tomorrow after you would have abandoned her. So, on a deeper level of observation, we're not only a nation of divorcees but also of cuckolds (lol). Poor Mauritanians!

This may explain a bit why my neighbor looked jubilant and rebranded after the poor "garay" left her. From a wretched mother of five who bore the brunt of NKTT's life every day, she becomes now the owner of a two-story house which people started to use as an address to tell their way in the maze of our neighborhood. Last night, I had an encounter with her. I was driving past her gorgeous villa when she shouted my name asking me to pull over. She came along with a group of women whom I haven't seen in the neighborhood before and can tell form their dress, cigarettes and easy going manner they don't dwell here. She didn't say anything particular but her attitude spoke volumes.

As I started the engine, a thought crossed my mind that maybe life in our society is about attitudes. The thought kept running through my mind that if society gave Meimouna no third choice between being married and heart-broken and being divorced and happy, the blame is not hers alone if she chooses to be happy. The blame is on our culture of divorce.



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Anonymous said...

Welcome back rim politician. Glad you were not with the drug network, not accepted Sidioca's offer et not in Guantanamo. Glad you found someone not interested in money. At first is yes, but later the lady becomes nuch more demanding. Take lady Luck's advice and it seems that she parted with Un chinguittois (where the guy is gone to?).

Seems no news. Hope mom is realizing that the guetna is over. Hae been away also from the web. Checking and coming back tommorrow with certainly something. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le site du professeur ELY

"Bienvenue sous la tente ocre:: le Marabout-président"

"Pour une Mauritanie plurilingue: esquisse d'une solution"

Anonymous said...

Ramadan Mubarak to all and may allah accept your fasting and your good deeds during this month and beyond.


Anonymous said...

Ramadan Mubarak to you too Califirnian and to all of the rest of the good people of this space. Tidinit.

N.B: heard that Sidioca is building a mosque inside the fence of the Presidential Palace. For me that is not a priority and hope he is not thinking of some Ayatollah's status. Reading rhe marabout-president stuff from Prof Ely Moustapha

Anonymous said...

Pauvre Meimouna. I read it again and it is a hell of a text. You can't get the true meaning out of its original text: English.

Les arabisants purs et durs: can we have English as the official language of Mauritania and therefore close the language debate that is leading us nowhere? If China is going English, who are we to stick to Arabic? This is of course to provoke, while mom finishes his guetna and tells us what is going on home with Sidioca is handing over 3 million UM to a young girls who does not need it and decorating a poet while my uncle and his family are dying of hunger in the kebbas.

I am being told that there is no money in the country, besides the one with the KB Foundation and the one used to build a mosque in the Presidency plot. No other news. While you fast, I am sending you the joke below (Californian enta vem?). Tidinit
A skinny little white guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this HUGE black guy standing next to him.
The big guy sees the little guy staring at him and looks down and says:
"7 feet tall, 350 pounds, 20 inch private, 3 pound testicles, Turner Brown."
The white man faints and falls to the floor.
The big guy kneels down and brings him up, shaking him. The big guy says: "What's wrong with you?"
In a weak voice the little guy says, "What EXACTLY did you say to me?"
The big dude says: "I saw your curious look and figured I'd just give you the answers to the questions everyone always asks me..... I'm 7 feet tall, I weigh 350 pounds, I have a 20 inch private, my testicles weighs 3 pounds each, and my name is Turner Brown."
The small guy says: "Turner Brown?!...Sweet Jesus, I thought you said, "Turn around."

Anonymous said...

hahaha .. that was great Tidinit. I think everyone around my office heard my laugh. Thanks for the comic relief.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Cal. I knew you appreciate a good joke. While waiting for el belaghat from home, do someone has one good joke ? Being always stressed is not good for health. Cheers. Tidinit

N.B: I: Read something in Calame ( on the role of Aziz in pulling an election deal that made us have Sidiocazz today (God bless them). Interesting and it gives you the impression that Aziz is in for the long haul. If these guys from Calame are not paid (it happens all the time)to shift the attention of the public from the back of the real culprit (you guessed who), having some clean election in 2012 will be a real challenge.

N.B II: the drug story seems to be dying. We can't afford a Noriega scandal these days.

N.B: III: I checked again today. People home do not know where the money is gone. It is "chav zragou mathagou". Very soon people will start tesfag, the easiest way to get to the money

Anonymous said...

Subject: mom Is Missing!!!!!

mom was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really angry.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in less than 6 seconds" - "AND IT BETTER BE THERE!!"

The next morning mom got up early and left for work.

When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift -wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

mom has been missing for two months.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
I am ashamed of myself, how did I leave u guys for such a long time, alone.
Anyway I liked your joke, Tidinit it's a funny one,
Lady luck is rude, I like. She did hurt Rim Pol's feelings "i wonder what she sees in you, no offense, if its not money." We know who's the material girl in this blog...

Mom better have some good excuse for this long absence

Anonymous said...

Just came to my mind that XoY gave 6 months for sidioca to make positive changes, the 6 months are almost over, is he coming back?

Anonymous said...

You truly sound like a child and you can't distinguish between self directed sarcasm and true critisism. I was not being shallow toward rim as I was hinting at the greed of my fellow mauritanian women.
May be you should go back to guitna and play with the kids.

Lady Luck

Anonymous said...

Lady luck/angry woman
or maybe I should stay here and hit on u in hope of gaining ur heart

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh Un Chinguittois seems to be in trouble. Keep talking to Lady Luck. You will surely win her heart. Welcome back to both of you.

Thanks ano for the "mom is missing" and I liked the story. So many people want to do like ano has accused him of doing as sometimes wifes do not understand that it is sometimes good to look pretty like in the era before the kids & the big house. Some of them do not understand that the guy living with them is not their father, but a lover..

Welcome back Lady Luck and Un chinguittois. If Sadat and Begin managed to make a deal of some sort, you both can do better
Cheers. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

Sadat and Begin? Tidinit, I like you but you sound really old school. Chinguittois has no chance with me .. I am completely out of his league. His little comments amuse me sometimes .. but the same way I get a amused when I see a taddler laughing or doing something cute.

Lady Luck

Anonymous said...

Woman luck,
"I am completely out of his league" Ce n’est pas la modestie qui t’étouffe. But I will take that as playing hard to get.

By the way Ladies talk in an eloquent way, women dont ;)

Tidinit, how's life been treating u? Are you planning any soon to visit the homeland...

Anonymous said...

women or a lady? that never mattered to you apparently. last time I checked you hit on every female that appears here .. woman ..lady ..transexual really don't care. As long as there is a glimpse of femiminity in them .. you're trying. get a life.

Lady Luck

Anonymous said...

Lady Luck and Un Chinguittois: just keep talking to each other. You will find a middle ground on the way like ...Bush and Blair (as Sadat and Begin are old jeu). Un chinguittois to apologize to Lady Luck not to jump anymore at any feminine sign (the guy is a hunter Lady Luck). Don't give up on him.

Un chinguittois: life is treating me well, thanks. Missed you and I am glad you are linkning up seriously with my sister
Lady Luck.

Any news people? Have not had time to scan news yet. The issue of Arabic/national language is now high on the talk agenda. But as for drug, oil, he US prisons people talk and forget about them. That is the nature of the homo mauritanicus these days. I will remind you from time to time in hope to catch your attention and decide to stick to issues.

mom: marou tab? we miss you man or lady

Anonymous said...

From my side no news, I havent spoke to people there for weeeks, but aside from being broke i think they re doing fine.
The blog is almost dead, except for woman luck badmouthing me lol

Woman luck,
I dont know why u're angry at me, but remember it's not my fault that Mr didnt propose to u this summer. U should probably be angry at him or at his family...
About getting a life, i ll work on it. Wish me luck...


Anonymous said...

Go back Un chinguittois. Keep trying with Lady Luck. Never give up. Stickyveness (dahsa)is the strategy to win back broken hearts ...Tidinit

Scanned the news and nothing, besides people struggling to create a Presidential Party which will look like PRDS. Seeing some of the ex-opposition making a move to join as they are sick and tired of being left outside mainstream corruption for years. Hope Sidiocazz will not by that line of support they will dump him quick for the next hopeful (AOD, Ely, Aziz ...)

N.B: Ely has been quiet since threatening whoever says something bad about the army, that he does not represent anymore since he "retired".

Drug: no news, oil deals: no news, US prisons: no news, KB Foundation: no news, AOD: no news, Messaoud: no new, Jemal Yessa: no news, Ould Taya: no news, refugees: scarce news, arab nationalists versus Flam: no news. What the hell is going on? Any news from you people?

Anonymous said...

Sur le blog du professur ELY

"Où est Ahmed Daddah?

Anonymous said...

Prof should have waited that "official language" issue hanging there for more time to allow people read and think and comment. It is that issue that is likely break our back. I recall being shot at here one or twice on that particular question and I barely survived my wounds after the debate. It needs to be continued. Silence from people does not mean they agree. It is may be they do not have arguments to counter idea x or z (in less esoteric terms, they are laymen on issue of culture and language, like me). Let's go see where the hell AOD have been. Thanks in advance Prof. Cheers. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

Let me ask all of you daybreakers:
Are we self destructive?

As they say the path to success is full of challenges. What defines a person in most cases is how he or she overcomes those challenges. As much as we try to prepare ourselves and subsequently our children, we almost always fail to prepare for the challenges coming from within our families and immediate surrounding environment. That is the last source of trouble that anyone would expect to be a bump in the road of success. But it sure looks like it’s a constant source of unnecessary distraction.

The concepts of aiming high reach for the stars and believe that you can accomplish anything, are all lost in the shuffle of self doubt, lackadaisical behavior and complacency riddled mentality. When people can’t do, they tend to make you believe that you can’t either. What a poisonous approach that can be? It is unfortunately a poison that has spread like wild fire in our society and damaged many young souls that it encountered in its path. Now, we look at the flaws in ones credentials and credibility well in advance rather than given them the benefit of the doubt and let them be who they claim they are until they prove otherwise. So, the intellectual is not truly an intellectual at first until he is put under the microscope and showcases what he knows in front of world. And even then, there will be those who will dub him as “not good enough” because he stuttered or paused before he answered a question. What do they know? Absolutely nothing. By criticizing others, they deflect the attention from themselves and their lack of any depth of knowledge or self respect. The parents are not looked at as true parents because their kids are allegedly dumb and can’t find their way to success while the fact is no one is left alone to raise their kids. Everyone has a say in what schools they should go to and what kids they should play with and what kind of hair cut they should have. And when they fail, they all knew it was coming because no one listened! It’s a mega blend of hypocrisy, invasion of privacy and lack of decency.

So, when we all look at each other and look who is successful and who is not, let’s ask ourselves if we believed in those who failed, did we help or hinder their progress? You’ll come to find out that we are our own worst enemy.


Anonymous said...

you hit the nail right on the head cal. We are a noisy society and we know everything about everything but yet we don't know anything.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with the fact that we are our own worst enemy. People who make you beleive that you CAN'T because they CAN'T are weak. This is truly the case with us young women. We can't go a study abroad because those before us couldn't. WE can't work and live alone because thos before us couldn't not. So, its a hindrance to women difinetly and thats why you rarely see strong willed young girls coming up.

Lady Luck

Anonymous said...

and that's why Lady luck we (Men) are here to help/protect/love/marry you....

Disclaimer: This is not intended to be an offre of Marriage

Anonymous said...

you can go pry on weak and naive women, and there are many of them out there. This is not one of them. If it was up to me, women should not look for you to help or protect them but rather respect them and look at them as equal partners. You clearly don't. But Cal's point was not about men vs women, it was broader and I clearly see where he's coming from. If you try to make me beleive that I am weak and I need your protection, that "may" mean that YOU are the weak one.

Lady Luck

Anonymous said...

your disclaimer was amusing though.


Anonymous said...

he means nothing he just playing

Anonymous said...

Lady luck,
Dont get me wrong, I do respect women, more than I do men. But I think there are many things that we(and here I mean Real Men, like myself) can do and women cant, they are too sensitive, too nice and too Beautiful to do such a thing.
I am a 100% for girls education and further studies abroad, I think they are more responsible tha most guys are.
But women cant do labor intensif jobs and arent expected to support families and so on... Men, however, can do these things.

Some argument that old school guys (like tidinit) might bring is that a man can marry 4 women, a woman cant

Every night in my dreams I see you, feel you .... LL

Anonymous said...

Anyone still awake? I feel lonely and the need to speak to someone, preferably a girl, a beatiful one with a sense of humour. One that value her significant other and would cook for him, do his laundry and love him with every beat of her heart...
If you feel u have the above criteria give me a call @

I'm walking away...

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog du professeur ELY

"Un Faucon pour la Mauritanie.

Voilà pourquoi on ne peut lutter contre la corruption "

Anonymous said...

I dont' Know about you, but someone who did write this is not as credible as we might think,

"Libre Expression: Pr. ELY Mustapha à M. Messaoud ould Boulkheir: 'Vous ne serez pas Président de la Répub
Date: 11 décembre 2006 à 10:49:25
Sujet: Chez - Nous

Vous ne serez pas Président de la République.
Vous ne serez pas président de la République. Par ce que vous n’avez pas les qualités qu’il faut pour prétendre à ce poste dans les conditions actuelles du style de gouvernance. Vous n’êtes ni menteur, ni dissimulateur ni opportuniste et votre franc-parler vient en plus tout gâcher. Vous ne ralliez pas ceux qui ont pillé le pays et vous êtes resté pauvre.

Votre campagne électorale vous l’avez menée avec ce que vos honnêtes ressources militantes vous ont permis et vous avez arraché votre part d’une gigantesque machine électorale qui a souvent roulé au plus offrant. Mais le courage de votre mouvement n’a d’égal que le stoïcisme de ceux qui le composent. Ceux qui des siècles durant ont courbé l’échine et qui ont bâti à force de bras ces richesses dont d’autres se targuent de posséder.

Richesses, sueurs de fronts d’êtres que d’autres êtres croyaient posséder consacrant ainsi dans le parcours humain, la bêtise des hommes. Vous, homme libre de parole et de pensée, vous resterez esclave de votre dignité dans un pays ou d’autres se targuent d’être libres de l’avoir perdue.

Les véritables esclaves ne sont pas ceux que vous pensez, ceux-là ont bâtis des richesses qui doivent leur revenir en brisant les chaînes de leur condition. Les véritables esclaves sont ceux qui ont fait de leur pays une nation exsangue, et rampent dans un cloaque de non-valeurs en portant les véritables chaînes de l’esclavage perpétuel. C’est dans les rangs de ces derniers se bousculant au portillon du pouvoir que l’on ira probablement chercher le futur président.

Alors, vous vous ne serez pas président de la République, parce que cette chose publique est convoitée par des esclaves. Des esclaves de leur ambition, de leurs prétentions, de leur hégémonie, de leurs alliances, de leurs tribus, de leur corps martial, de leur bon droit, de leurs investissements. Et vous, vous êtes, dans ce cliquetis de chaînes, un homme libre. Or on ne confie pas une République asservie à un homme libre."

Pr ELY Mustapha

Anonymous said...

Who is Pr ELY Mustapha? what/where did he study? and what does he do in life now?

Anonymous said...


It is not necessary to know who is Prof Ely, where he studied and what he does in life. The only thing I know that he is relevant and spending lot of his personal time to try to straighten the bad that our rulers are doing, without insulting anybody. I only hope that his contributions are published in newspapers home to allow the public read,think and put pressure on our rulers to do things right. One thing is sure:he is not for sale and that is reconforting. Let's follow his example to help us achieve a better society home. This guy is really an astounding person that deserves the respect of all, including his ennemies that have nothing against him: he is telling the truth and not attacking them. His words are smooth and he is a hell of a writer. I wish I could do like him. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

Ano, (Wed Sep 19, 10:28:00 AM) have you really read from the top to the bottom our professor’s Article?

That article was written by the professor ELY in 11th December 2006 when Ould Boulkheir was a relevant leader. Now we know what’s happened to him .

In someway in that period (2006) what the professor said was truth and he was proved out.

During the presidential race, Ould Boulkheir was a political outsider, talking truthly and fighting for his Mauritanian vision against all odds. As we know, he couldn’t be a president due to his impressive political attitudes and personality. And he’s never been.

This is what the professor ELY singled out in his article and the history-and the story- proved he was right.

I thing this article is one of the most beautiful and well done professor wrote. In one hand his is recognizing Boulkheir high skills and political weight and in the other hand he his warning him that he’ll never be president .

Professor shows with evidence that Ould Boulkheir was running outside political standards and didn’t play the transition game like others in the presidential race. No way to him to be president even if he were a good politician. Mauritanian paradox. And Ould Boulkheir strategy was running on a paradox. He was standing on statements that leads to situation which defies intuition.

Anonymous said...

Excellent Ano above. I recall that article and hope to find it to read it again.

Anonymous said...

Pr ELY & Tidinit are the geniuses of this blog. The rest are just kids playing and hitting on each other.


Anonymous said...

You left out Californian, he is good too and mom, before becoming "busy."

Guys I read That Sidioca is coming to New York, anyone interested in meeting up with him. We can all go to see him and discuss with him in person what we discuss here.
Californian u can definitely do that, lady luck too. Tidinit If u can take a week vacation from ur chinese empolyer that would be great....
I myself will skip school for for some days lol
Let me know what you think, This is serious :)

Anonymous said...


before meeting Sidioca take few minutes to read the "instructions of use" of your President. Read the professor's article:

"Bienvenue sous la tente ocre: le MARABOUT-Président"

At this address:

Anonymous said...

ano ella ente

Anonymous said...

thanks for the invite to NY city. It appear that Sidioca will be meeting with few representatives of the Mauritanian community in the US on Saturday. I hope they tell him what they really think about the current situation. You can expect him to lecture them about the necessity to go back home and help the country. They will all agree but none of them will return. I will not be part of that show.

On the other hand, if Lady Luck is going to make it, then I amy change my mind :-)


Anonymous said...

I see, No wonder why lady luck doesnt find me interesting/attractive/funny anymore, you corrupted her. But that's fine "el maraynah irawh ekhoutne." So you and lady luck when did it started and who made the first move and how r things going?
About the meeting, is it official and how can I attend? I am sure he wouldnt ask me to go back and if he did, i will ask for a plane ticket. So californian if u got an invite and ure not coming can I come, I just wanna take a picture and maybe tchat a little bit with the most "powerful" man in our nation.
Lady are you coming?
Keep me updated

Tidinit said...

Dear Kid,

All people here are just fantastic. Sometimes we get bored waiting for mom to finish writing something and to avoid dahsa, each of us says something in relation to his mood and specialty (jokes, khroujou and sometimes very sensitive info that makes everyone run for cover - I spoke about Sellahi and his ordeal and no one debated it). Prof Ely and I cannot measure ourselves against mom and Californian. They are great (I don't know if they are "he/she" - Un cinguittois: reste tranquille car il n y a rien a "bouffer" chez ces deux-la);

Un Chinguittois",
Good to meet Sidioca in NY, but the best approach is not to attack him or upset him so that he listens. He is going in a direction and soon the military might send him to qatar, if he is not carefull. In the event one of you meeting him in NY (it cost to leave southern China to America), tell him in essence this: close the refugees issue, stop corruption, close on the drug issue with all these nonsence suing of some stupid journalists some powerful gangsters. Looks like a war again between Oulad Bousba and Smasside (some of them know who was in the drug/cigarette trade or not and don't believe sheer innocence here). These are the same who brought down Taya who was protection them (ref: read ICG report on transition released in April 06 and don't look further why the coup d'etat), and he be careful with the old PRDS/PRDR as they have the habit of crossing and double-crossing their best friends.

Anonymous said...

A lire sur

"Finances publiques mauritaniennes: Fragilité et dépendance"

Anonymous said...

Machallah Prof Ely Mustapha. To read while waiting for mom and inchallah he is giving us some clarifications on where this presidential party is leading us and what is behind. Siodioca saying he is above it, while we know it is his own making, with the help perhaps of Aziz, mithaq and/or with oussayet Ely eli ma tentsa ...

mom: marou tab? We miss you and comments passed the 280 mark. X ould Y never attained this level of making people wait. Tidinit

Anonymous said...


Let not your heart be troubled my friend. I can't compete with you, I was just hoping that I can meet Lady Luck and talked to her about you and your above average qualities. Just looking out for you.
Talk to the Embassy guys in DC. They are the ones putting together the meeting with Sidioca. I have no idea what their criteria is, but whatever it is, I am sure you'll meet it.


Anonymous said...

Cal, do u still have your email Mr.californian@ I need to ask you about something...

Anonymous said...

Un chinguittois,

don't forget to say hi to me too from time to time through my mail: I dont visit often because no one writes this mail I set for this great blog. Tidinit

Anonymous said...


Just like Tidinit, that Gmail account still exists but I rarely visit due to lack of use by others. I look forward to your email.


Anonymous said...

Cali& Tidinit,
I sent an email to each of you, waiting for replies!

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog:

"De quoi est coupable Maouiya ould Sid’Ahmed Taya ? "

Anonymous said...


Sorry. Getting to your mail immediately. At last someone writing to me. The Burgess or Mata Hari who was asking who I am: can also write to me at Cheers. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

Guess What?
I am waiting for you to guess...
I just got back from The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York city, where I had the opportunity to meet in person with the President of Mauritania, the first lady, the Minister of foreign affaires, both ambassadors in DC and New York. The president had a conference where everyone who attended had the chance to say anything he wanted to say. And believe me a lot had been said in that conference room.
People adressed all their concerns,( from refugees to roumouz el vassade to the political party of the independants, to teintane problems, to just criticizing him for the heck of it) anything that comes to the human mind, and Sidi handled their questions extremely well, I was impressed. Chapeau Bas to Sidioca, He is good and he has a good sense of humour. And another thing that stroke me was the abusing behaior of the attendants. They literally interrupted him questionned his honesty ...Basically our people are still not ready for democracy/freedom of speech.

I remember being a 100% against Sidioca during the elections, slowly he impressed me, tonight He completely won me as a supporter.

By the way Khatou is a nice lady too.

If you didnt attend and have any specific question about the conference, feel free to ask me.

Anonymous said...

last ano,

I have just a question to ask you: how much money they paid you to write that.

for the rest,keep your false opinion for you.

A good friend,not naive person.

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog:

"Sidi aux States:
Gone With The Wind "

Anonymous said...

The Waldhorf Astoria is damm expensive. Guess it is for security reasons and hope he return quick to save on our hard earned money.

Ano said: "By the way Khatou is a nice lady too". How do you know? Zarguetlak?

Anonymous said...

Lol, I was expecting a more mature response, i guess I was wrong. But still I would try to entertain ur "questions."
First let me clear sthg, "anos" ella entoume, ane I have a pseudo, un chinguittois.
one of the anos said: "how much money they paid you to write that."
my answer: none of your business

the other ano: "how do you know? zarguetlek?" I know from the way she spoke to the people.

Anymore questions?

Ps: last ano, ane manechreb ezrig

Anonymous said...

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahimi. People are fighting over the First Lady. Ano halal

Anonymous said...

Ano Halal,
The first lady is clearly powerful, you have disappeared for the last months, and when we mentioned her, you came back.

We are expecting mom and the others to appear too ;)

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog:

"Le discours de Ahmed Najad à l’université de Columbia:

La foi, la science et la lumière...nucléaire"

Anonymous said...

Thanks un Chinguittois for letting us know that all has been put on the table with Sidioca. We are told that the meeting took almost 4 hours and that is good. If he is up to running that country, he has certainly listened and should therefore take into some of the grievances when acting home. Hope he did not spend much for this mission where he will make a speech that no one will remember. I guess that Bush will be busy with lots of things that he will not perhaps meet Sidioca. Take care. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

25 septembre 2007 : Ely Ould Mohamed Vall : La diplomatie solitaire en marche...

Au moment où la scène politique plonge dans une inertie totale, et à l’heure où les soutiens de Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi réfléchissent sur leur projet de parti, l’ex chef de la junte militaire poursuit ses voyages à l’étranger.

Ely Ould Mohamed Vall dissimule bien une ambition. Se livre t-il à un « marketing diplomatique » pour se tailler une place à l’échelle africaine voire internationale- ou veut-il profiter du vide politique actuel pour se préparer à rebondir avec des ailes plus grandes ?

Les moments d’euphorie qui avaient accompagné la campagne présidentielle ne sont plus que de lointains souvenirs. Après l’investiture du président Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi à la magistrature suprême la scène politique nationale s’est rétrécie comme une peau de chagrin. Les Etat-majors des partis politiques sont de moins en moins fréquentés par leurs militants plus occupés à mener une bataille contre un quotidien éprouvant.

Les mauvais résultats obtenus par certains partis bien structures et le ralliement de l’APP au candidat Sidioca au second tour a lourdement affecté l’équilibre politique de l’ex-opposition.

Le RFD de Ahmed Ould Daddah qui a perdu la course in-extrémis n’arrive pas non plus à se remettre de son deuil. Le sacre de son leader au titre de chef de l’opposition a certes atténué quelque peu les peines de l’homme mais n’a pas redonné à son parti le punch nécessaire pour se redéployer sur le terrain politique. Beaucoup s’interrogent sur l’avenir de ce parti et surtout sur les chances qui peuvent bien rester à son chef de file une dernière fois pour briguer la magistrature suprême.

La création imminente d’un parti-soutien au Président Sidi, l’éventualité d’une nouvelle entrée en force sur l’échiquier politique de Zeine Ould Zeidane d’ici la fin du mandat de SIDIOCA, le retour envisageable de Ely Ould Mohamed Vall sont autant de facteurs susceptibles de modifier la carte politique et compromettre le triomphe de l’ex-opposition.

Ely Ould Mohamed Vall mène depuis quelques mois des tractations dont les desseins restent encore inavoués. Mais il y a des signes qui ne trompent point. En effet depuis son retrait de la Présidence l’ ex-chef de la junte au pouvoir n’arrête pas de voyager comme il l’avait beaucoup fait durant toute la transition.

Plus d’un observateur a interprété cette diplomatie solitaire du Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed Vall comme des indices de préparation d’un second mandat. Actionnaire à chinguitel dit on, Ely Ould Mohamed Vall serait mêlé dans les intérêts de la compagnie Mauritanie Airways ainsi que dans bien d’autres domaines d’affaire. Vrai ou faux l’ancien directeur général de la sûreté et tombeur de Ould Taya ne manque pas d’ambition pour rebondir.

Ses qualités d’orateur et d’homme de relation sont autant d’atouts qui lui offrent une longueur d’avance sur ses projets politiques. De quoi pousser des cheveux blancs à bien des leader politique occupés à jouer la carte de l’opportunisme sans jamais gagner l’estime du peuple.

Aux dernières heures, le discours de l’ex chef d’Etat à l’ouverture de ce colloque a porté essentiellement sur l’appel à l’instauration de véritables systèmes démocratiques dans le continent. Devant les participants, il a martelé : " il est grand temps pour nous tous de comprendre que l’instauration dans nos pays africains de véritables systèmes démocratiques, solides, durables et stables est une exigence absolue et non une option parmi d’autres".

Toujours selon lui : "tant que le problème de la légitimité est posé ou risque de surgir à tout moment , les problèmes restent extrêmement difficiles à régler et sont d’ailleurs rarement au cœur de l’action politique dès lors que les Etats restent structurellement fragiles et instables ".

Cheikh Tidiane Dia

Note: Info source : Le Rénovateur Quotidien (Mau

Anonymous said...

un chinquitoi
i was there too only few people has a chance to ask him directly or comment less than 10 from almost 100 persons .
there is only two critics the rest part of prds like TASFFAK ,kayou
wasn't nice at all she hardly said hello for those ladies on the front of woldorf smale room .sidioca very respectful man but she's not ,it's halthy debat any way we like to see more in the coming days. ano halal

Anonymous said...

Tidinit, you're quite welcome! After all we should remember Ma3awiya's times, when questionning was prohibited, Ely made it better, but still he replied to the few questions he got in a "solider" way, and by "soldier" I mean in an extremely rude way. I know sidi is expected to act differently, after all he is "chosen" by the people. But, again it is Mauritania, where "ewlad lekhyam lekbarat" find it very ethical and enjoyable to lie/cheat/steal/and lately traffic drug, to make money. And the supposedly "honest" and intellectual people are always complaining, criticizing and oppsing for the sake of opposing. The average mauritanian is even worse, they resist positive change "d'une facon inimaginable," this summer I witnessed simple people who werent at all benefiting from Ma3awiya's power (probabling even hurt) claiming that the latter is "a9dhave" (good luck), that he knew how to run the country, that he was honnest and so on. They went even further wishing he would be back saying that Sidi is good at only coming up with "problems" (Drug, refugees, "no money"). This is sad and desperate, wishing ma3awiya back. The poor sidi is facing endless problems. Roumouz are mad at him, because he didnt deliver on his promises, according to them, the average mauritania is very angry becuase of the changes (for example, they dont see the reason for dealing with drug issues, if it is only traffic and "not" getting into the country, poor people they are brainwashed). Basically everyone is criticizing and no one is willing to act. In his place I would give up all the changes I'm trying to make, "Bullshit" (that's what it is called in Nouakchott), and try to satisfy one party at least. And the easiest to satisfy is Roumouz, they actually know what they want. So I am surprised they hadn't gotten to him yet, I am even more surprised he still wants to hear from the public.

Ano halal, what happened to u my dear friend?
Does this have anything to do with ladies (maybe one lady in particular)? because if it does, we've got to get you "fixed." God you're torturing Mr. Twain ;)

About that conference, I am not gonna argue (thak tougav essa9e wane wente manne guedou) I saw someone videotaping, if you happen to know him, maybe he can post it on youtube. Or if you want we can meet in person and talk, you know it's good to sometimes talk.

PS. By "kayou" you meant Khatou, is that right?

Anonymous said...

the pics fron the meeting already posted on youtube:

there are two minutes worth of pics and 10 minutes worth of music .. couldn't figure that one out. May be I missed something. Anyways, Chinguittois, let us know if you made the cut.


Anonymous said...

Mauritanian President meets the community in NYC Video

what's the hell!
Is It a video?

Five pictures of people laughing and mister president passing by.

Remove that video, nothing to do with. 1 minute video of nothing out of 10 minutes video empty .

Tidinit said...

Take it easy guys. Let's wait 1-2 weeks to assess how good meeting Sidi in NY was useful. He is nice as it appears and different from Ould Taya (you cannot ask "offending" questions) and Ely (real Al Capone: he shoot you straight if you question his wrong political wisdom and no one dared to ask about his dealings: ElyCom, High Tech Group of Sudan,opening of an Embassy in Sudan, costly trips,vote blanc, signing oil exploration deals less than a week before handing over to Sidi, etc..).

Although Sidi appears to be of the same caracter as late Moctar Ould Daddah, the problem is that the mauritanian environment has changed and is now more dangerous with sharks and foreign paid mercenaries swallowing slowly but surely the whole political system, Sidi with. I mean all: the bad ones from Taya/Ely period and those who were in the opposition and today licking Sidi's a ... for a position and we know them all. We are not yet out of the woods and we should all be very vigilant as the changes we are expecting are likely not coming soon with these PRDS guys coming in through the door, the ceiling and the windows ..People will give Sidi the benefit of doubt for few months to come, but if he has nothing to produce he will be busy being hit by friends and foes alike until ...2012. And then welcome Ely and back to square 1. I personally don't want that. I want Sidi to perform and he needs to get ride of some people surrounding him. Why 20+ advisors?

Anonymous said...

dear un changuittoi
i mean khatou ,i didn't like that lady at all any way I 'm ready too meet and talk to you .i leaved in ny for the past 10 years just ask anybody from nyc who's ano halal.
sidioca poor and nice but he can't do nothing with his strong wife and talking to him just worthless .

Anonymous said...

How are you Ano Halal? Miss you and don't worry if there is not much news here forthe time being as evryone is trying to guess what is going on. Un Chinguittois just tried to report what he heard/seen and it is fine.

Where are you guys ?. Only Tidinit, Cal, Ano Halal et Un Cinguittois are here.

Min Nahiyetun Ukhra, just read that Woodside is going to sell to Petronas. Worrying because of the prospect of bad governance, but we are watching the suckers: SMH, Ministry of Finance, Petronas and will let you know of the deals. Why Woodside is going? They have their management problem of their own.

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog:

"De la pauvreté politique:

Un Essai pour comprendre"

Anonymous said...

What Khattou doing in NY? If the first ladies are not there, what she is doing there? Cost money to pay for her coffe/food is she is doing nothing.

Tidinit said...

I tought that Woodside sold only Chinguetti. It appears that it sold all offshore and onshore. So woodside is gone after British Gas. We are remaining between the French, the Arabs, the Chinese, the Spaniards, the Malaysians, the Sudanese and few other obscur companies. Not sure whether these guys are party to the Initiative on Transparency in Extractive Industry (ITIE). So, if discovery is made later, count on backchih without any question asked. Hope Petronas will take back the best performing people left out by Woodside. Let's always visit Petronas website to get info on what is going home. Has TVM or Radio Mauritanie said anything? I gave hope on SMH and the Ministry of Energy and Petrole to let the public know.

mom: marou nharag athrough? Khlatna meimouna hathi. Hope everybody doing great. Don't go far, please.

Petronas Extends Reach in North Africa staff 09.27.07, 10:44 AM ET

Malaysia’s state-owned oil company, Petronas, has deepened its involvement in Africa by signing a $418 million agreement to buy all of the oil and gas operations of Australia’s Woodside Energy in the northwestern African country of Mauritania.

Petronas, in an announcement posted on its Web site Thursday, said it would assume significant interests in eight “upstream acreages” in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, among them the production sharing contract A and B areas and the already producing Chinguetti oil field in PSC B, located in what is called the greater MSGBC basin; offshore Blocks 2, 6, 7 and onshore blocks Ta 11 and Ta 12. It would be the operator of all these blocks.

“The acquired acreages also contain significant oil and gas potential in the existing Tiof, Banda, Tevet and Pelican discoveries and in several identified exploration prospects,” the announcement read.

Petronas said the acquisition, expecting to close in November following regulatory approvals, “reflects its commitment and its long-term aspirations in Mauritania's oil and gas industry and complements its overall growth strategy in Africa.”

Petronas has a staggering number of oil and gas exploration and development projects across the African continent, including investments in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Algeria, Angola, Chad, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. It is also the leader, with a market share of one- quarter, in the retail oil market in South Africa through a local unit, Engen Petroleum, which runs a large network of service stations selling and distributing gasoline and other petroleum products in South Africa and the neighboring countries of Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Tanzania.

Anonymous said...

Learning of resignation of a member of the National Committee on ITIE for reasons of opacity and fixing data on production and sale in the mining/oil sectors. This confirms my fear earlier shared with you in thos blog. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

I didnt know that the central bank had power over private banks in the sense that they can remove their directors, Just read in that Bacim bank's director got kicked out by the head of the central bank.

I thought it's intresting!

Anonymous said...

Saharamedia, de sa part, said that ZZ confessed that the change is much harder than they thought it would be, surprisingly.

Things aren't going that well back home, lil2essev.

PS- I m being pessimistic

Anonymous said...

Anyone awake? It's firday night common people u should be praying tarawi7e/tejehoude, ( you thought i'm gonna say "u should be partying, but i didnt.")

Anyway, if anyone is feeling low/depressed, it happens sometimes, just remeber that Un chinguittois is always there for you, especially if u're a good looking girl.

PS- Depression hurts

Anonymous said...

Un Chinguittois,

For a good looking girl you have only me Tidinit. What happened with your negotiations with Lady Luck? Don't give up .....

As the usual enemy no. 1 of SMH because of its opacity, I am dazzled by the news that we sold our first oil higher than what it was reported in the report of the commission in charge of overseeing the oil revenues ( I wrote everywhere that a continued discount of $ to $6 is not normal as that represents $ to 5$ million lost to the country.My guess is that they were doing exactly what the Congolese and Angolan have been doing: the discount is multiplied by the volume of each cargo and out in the accounts of the people dealing with oil, that is, the head of the companies like SMH in both countries, the ministers of oil and the heads of state. If you do not believe me, just visit the website of Global Witness.

Why then SMH is coming now to fix these numbers? This means that the data on physical quantities of oil sold and the revenues were faked, intentionally or accidentally. The link is below and let's read it and fish for more info on this as SMH's site is closed. You have to put pressure on these guys, otherwise they just f... up the country. Look please at the reports in and they are just 12 of them for 2006. A really pissed-off Tidinit

Anonymous said...

The report is below (first oil).

Look at page 7, under Para 2.2, third line and columns 1, 2, and 3. If we refer to column 3, the oil was sold at $68.596 while the brent was at $73.516. The difference is $5.92 and you multiply that by $5.92, you get $5,920,000. If SMH says now we sold at the brent price, where is our part is gone to? Tidinit

Anonymous said...

More chinese shopkeers, I guess and that is good for competition. Soon "bilateral" children already on the way and that is good for diversity. Do you know that Moors are genetically linked to the Mongols? That is why my village people look close to the Afghans. Tidinit

NEW YORK, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Mauritanias President Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi said here Monday that his country welcomes more Chinese enterprises to conduct cooperation projects.

  Cooperation between Mauritania and China has yieldedremarkableresults and brought important interests to the people ofbothcountries over the more than four decades since theestablishmentof diplomatic relations, Abdallahi said during ameeting withChinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the sidelinesof the 62ndsession of the United Nations General Assembly.

  Yang, for his part, said China wishes to push for theconstantdevelopment of bilateral friendly cooperation of mutualbenefit andcontinue providing assistance to Mauritania andcontribute to theAfrican countrys economic and socialdevelopment.

  China would also encourage its enterprises to participateincooperation in Mauritanias infrastructure projects, Yangsaid.

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog du professeur ELY

"Pourquoi veulent dire vendre la SNIM?

Diagnostic d'un mauvais élan.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant the paper on SNIM. Tidinit recommends reading it as Oprah recommended Hilary's book (Hilary spoke about Monica in that book and I guess that is the only part most of you read).

Where are you bloggers? You can't be quiet all the time. It takes two minutes to check things here. Common. I am depressed and miss you guys. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

I just read that we've got a new ambassador in China and I am pissed. You know why? Because if someone deserves that job, it's u my friend. I know it's probably the reason behind ur depression too ;)

Think of the positive side, u get to keep ur great job and your freedom and also you have someone to hang out with when u're feeling low, the new ambassador.

Anonymous said...

Tidinit, I feel your frustration and it is well placed. However, it is hard for all the daybreakers to keep loggin in to the same blog every time. We may have lost many regular bloggers and I can’t say I blame them. Mom has been absent and onc again this venue is loosing it luster. The most exciting thing to happen here lately was the fight between Un Chinguittois and Lady Luck. So, either mom has to keep this thing going or let us know that he can’t keep it up. And in the later case, we will have to create another blog to keep this community intact and prevent Tidinit’s looming depression.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that lady luck lost the battle and the war and as a consequence she left the blog

Anonymous said...

or decided that you are too small of a fish to fry and moved forward to bigger and better things.


Anonymous said...

Cal, Un Chinguittois and LL,

Very happy to hear from you guys. Never leave this space until the others come back. mom is still laboring to fish for info to let us know what the hell is going on with the creation of this new Parti-Etat that Sidioca is trying to set up through Ould Ahmed Waghef while looking the other way.

People are talking about the selling of SNIM and please visit Prof Ely's site (I put some info there in relation to Mittlal and the link is in English). I was for the privatization of SNIM, but after reading the stuff Prof Ely put, I am against it.

Cal you said once bye bye to Woodside and now we have Petronas. I scanned every piece of info you can get in the web and it seems that Petronas is better as they have more money, looking for rthe distant future and will start digging better that Woodside and others. Through my other reading, I think that Chinguetti is an environmental disaster and RIM is likely o pay for it (recall they were providing $1 million per year to the Oil Ministry/SMH to deal with environental issues of the Chinguitty Perimeter. Knowing selaat Mauritanian civil servants, they did mot certainly review the contracts carefully and certainly made another blunder. The australian police is still inquiring about corruption between RIM and Woodside. If my reading of a blog is correct, it is now been internationalized through the implication of 8 more companies. It is either Zeidane Ould Hmeiday or Mohamed Ali Ould Sidi Mohamed 9you don't talk about Ould Taya and Ely at his stage - Bizarre that Sidioca has not tried to sign anything regarding oil and why he does not want to touch it?).

Who is the new Ambassador in China? You are right, Sidioca should have given me that Embassy. But I have never been to Niger.

Un Chinguittois: Lady Luck is still waiting for your apologies and don't give up.

Keep it up guys and let's share ideas. We are insulting no one, despite the fact that they did notallow us to vote.

I am less stressed now after reading you. Cheers. Tidint

Anonymous said...

the "bigger" part:
A Chinese person would ve said that seize doesnt matter, I won't Because I think it does ;) And this is not an area where I need to improve ( machallah).

The "better" part is very subjective. But I know for a fact that you dont think that way, u probably see me as the ultimate "best," your ego, however, is preventing u for admitting it.

PS- My appologies for Chinese people if I offended them

Anonymous said...

lady luck aint my type lol

LL, it's nothing personal

Anonymous said...

Only those who have to explain why size matters, or doesn't, are those who have issues down there. I don't care how small you are, you still amuse me.


Anonymous said...

LL u got a crush on him dont u,admitt it

Anonymous said...

So LL, dont you think it's time to meet?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lady Luck. I did not realize that LL is you. Sorry again and welcome back among the good people here. Hang on pleae.

Chinguittois: she is giving you her hand to save you. Accept and go meet her. I wish it was me getting all this attention for LL. Her words are nice to read. Don't lose her. This is not your Mutabia type (lol). Du courage mon ami. What lucky you are, man. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

What the hell you guys talking about? I never offered to meet Chinguittois and there is no crush here. This is a group of wishful thinkers. Besides, he's SOL (shit out of luck) since I am not his type. Cal is the only guy on this forum who seemingly some close to what I like in a man not chinguittois.


Anonymous said...

Mission accomplished, I just wanted to know the "trajectorie" of ur feelings, pushed u until u admitted it.
You like californian, it's a good choice, not the best;), but still a good choice. Now we need to check on Cal and see if he is emotionally available.
Tidinit you and I are screwed lol, I think we should focus more on politics wella pray that Mutabi3a comes de nouveau ;)

PS- LL now that you made ur mind, I wont hit on u anymore, I mean not as much as before, I cant promise that either :)

Anonymous said...


The couple "Cal" & "LL" have announced their engagement today, a source close to the couple said that they "felt it is the right time to let the public know."

This will end the rumours that "chinguittois" has circulated lately about LL liking him

Anonymous said...

LOL ..This is bittersweet. I am flattered by LL comments, but feel down for my main man Chinguittois. I think LL is thrusting me into this tit for tat between the two of them so Chinguittois will let go. Not so fast, you don’t give up that easily Chinguittois do you? LL is very smart woman and I think you will be making a mistake to think that you can manipulate her into saying things. This is a chess game and her last move was genius especially when she knows that I am not available. Sorry LL, but I had to give Chinguittois a tip here.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear/read that ur dream boy (cal) is dumping you (martonak). That phrase "not available" must've hurt. I just want you to know that my shoulders are all urs to cry on ;) This actually can be a fresh start for a fresh realtionship between U & I.

I cant believe I still like you after all, but as they say "l'amour est aveugle."

PS- welcome to the club "love from one side."

Anonymous said...

We have reached 300 post, speaking of 300 any of u saw that movie? if yes, ur comments plz?

Anonymous said...

if LL is a smart woman u way smarter than her

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog :

"Cartables et valises:

Qu’est ce qui tourmente la société civile en Mauritanie ?"

Anonymous said...

Wow ! Bravo LL, Cal and Un Chinguittois. I knew we have bright people here. Plus malin qu'Un Chinguittois, tu meurs.

Rushing to my chinese woman ...Tidinit

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot: go to click4 and read a long letter from Ould Soudani, the alleged .... It is in French, not well written (I always said that people should do french too, but I got fired at everytime) and revealing of the corrupt practices @home. This is while mom decides to come back and we miss him. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

I will take Cal's nice rejection like a strong woman and move on. But I will not settle for Un Chinguittois although I like him as a irritating young brother. And by the way, when did think conversation turn into me looking for a match?? I missed that segway.


Anonymous said...

lol, ya wenni b ma grande soeur, still I think we should talk more, I'm homesick.
How dare you dump my sister? she can do much better, in fact if she wasn't my sis, I would love to have her as gf ;)

To address ur concern sister, we are very conservative in this forum, any girl here needs a man (ma7ram) lol, but u've got ur brother now, so u're taking care of.

LL's Brother

Anonymous said...

Some dance for you guys

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog du Prof ELY.

"Un peuple sur le divan:

Analyse psychique d’un peuple qui se démène"

Anonymous said...

Don't go far. mom is coming. I know. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

I clicked on the dancing lady (yu tube link above) out of tsahfi. The person who did the video should have hidden the bottles ...Ano halal enta vem? Tidinit

Tidinit said...

You may wish to visit this site. However, I advise you not to make political comments as I do not know whether it is for info only or something else. I did a comment once from my BlackBerry on corruption and I could not visit the site again with the same BlackBerry. I may be wrong. It was a minor comment on the $100 million given by Woodside to the country to absolve their wrong-doing with Zeidane. Please throw the bad things here and not there. Very informative site. I wish to congratulate them. Tidinit

N.B: read in Houmoum Ennass that the drug inquiry group could not agree on the recommendations of their report. The members are from the military/police. You can't entrust something like this to the people who were protecting the trade. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Calme plat. Même une danseuse ne reveille pas ces anglophones !

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog du Prof ELY.

"Au-delà de la primature

A quoi sert et ne sert pas un premier ministre"

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog du Prof ELY:

"Honneur Fraternité Justice

Faut-il changer la devise de la république?"


Anonymous said...

Dear daybreakers,

What time is it in Sydney? Wake up and say something. We miss you. Tidinit

Min nahiyetoun oukhra: there is no news. Appears that ZZ is gone to Mecca and Sidioca is entertaining all Ould Taya's imams. So, after praying for rain (ehl Tintane wa Ehl Kaihaidi entouma vem?) are they praying for something else?

LL and Un Chinguittois: where are we with your negotiations? I am a lawyer in the event you want me to sign something ...

I am reading a sad book by Murat Kurmaz and the tile is "Dans l'enfer de Guantanamo", Fayard 2007. I bought it to see whether Kurnaz met our countrymen in Guitmo and I have not seen their names in that book. Few excerpts from the book - page 111-112 (sorry it is in French and I needed you to read with me as the story goes well beyond torture)

"" En gagnant ma cage, je n’en cru pas mes yeux : il y avait un nouveau détenu dans Charly-Charly 1, qui était demeuré longtemps vide. Il devait avoir approximativement mon âge, 19 ou 20 ans. Il était couché par terre et je l’entendais comme murmurer. Il ne pleurait pas. Je crois plutôt qu’il chantonnait, une chanson triste en arabe. Il n’avait plus de jambes. A en juger par ses pansements, l’amputation était récente.
Assis dans ma cage, je ne pouvais pas supporter la vue de ses moignons purulents. Je jetais de temps à autre des regards dans sa direction à la dérobée. Ses bandages étaient maculés de sang et de pus. Cela saignait et suintait encore. Il avait des engelures aux mains et semblait ne plus pouvoir bouger ses doigts. Je l’ai vu se redresser, ramper jusqu’au seau et tenter de s’asseoir dessus. Je l’ai vu se redresser, ramper jusqu’au seau et tenter de s’asseoir dessus. Il avait envie de d’aller aux toilettes. Il a vainement essayé de se hisser sur le seau en s’accrochant aux grillages. Ses mains étaient tellement enflées qu’elles ne pouvaient pas s’agripper. Alors qu’il continuait de s’acharner, un gardien s’est approché de la cage et a donné des coups de matraque sur ses mains à travers le grillage. Le garçon est retombé par terre.

A chaque nouvelle tentative, les gardiens, soucieux d’appliquer le règlement, frappaient sur ses mains. Nous n’avions pas le droit de nous appuyer contre le grillage. Mais un garçon amputé des deux jambes ? Il n’était pas autorisé à s’accrocher au grillage, ni rester allongé. Ils ne l’ont pas laissé une seule fois se mettre sur le seau".

I am a muslim laic, not at all a pro-jihadist. This is just too much for human beings. I personally turned my eyes the other way on the hanging of Saddam Hussein because he did exactly this to some of his people. Where the world is going to? I can't even recall how this stupid "war" started in the first place.

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog du Prof ELY:

Dans les filets du pécheur:

Une police religieuse ici-bas.


Anonymous said...

WOOW! Pr ely strikes again!

Stand up and read,Explosive blog indeed!

Anonymous said...

Mom is gone, this time for real :(

Anonymous said...

Ou sont les autres? le forum est en danger

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone!
I just read some important news, SNIM is on its way to being privatized, according to "a far from being credible" source: This, in my viewpoint, is something new/can be good, I always thought that the best way to deal with the inefficiencies in our administration is through privatization. Alakhbar is talking about the workers, and how this can be threatning to them. Call me brain washed, but I believe in market efficiency, and that the "needed" workers, the workers that do actually work wont have a problem, the others will need to take life more seriously and be willing to work. If they do, they will find somthing that they are good at, and they will eventually be employed.
I am pro privatization and liberalization of the market, but a well done privatization, one that seeks to maximize the wellfare of the citizens, and not like the Russian model.
The government can benefit from the injected money to realize some critical and necessary social programs like improving education/ healthcare etc.. And since our government is also unable to well controll everything, leaving the management of these organization to private investors can help the government focus its efforts, again, on the above social program and on running the country as a whole.

I especially want to hear your opinions on this topic, it interests me a lot. Tidinit and Californian, I am expecting great responses from both of u (emkebbar vikoum el kerche).

Good night!

Anonymous said...

Un Chinguittois,

I will respond this afternoon as the issue seems to be bigger than we are perceiving. It is again a coup by Ely I think and I need to get some facts straight and check some info on the web. I see the Sidiocazz government being attacked from all sides by end of this year as they are bringing back the old Taya's system. Some people are seeing Sidioca as the main "sabotageur" of the democratic process we expected with the demise of Ould Taya by hanging on the back of the military, particularly Aziz. I have nothing against him personally, but I think he will be unable to bring any change as he trapped himself with the old guard and there is no way out. Also looks like to me that the outcome of the regime change coming to a tribal grip on power by using Sidioca (I have nothing against that tribe. They are indeed my distant relatives, but we definitively need to get out of that kind of game that Maawiya made us accustomed to and Haidallah almost succeeded in doing the same). Wrong that journalists being beaten up on behalf of the First Lady (knowingly or unknowingly)and suing them for trivial things like saying that she interferes in nominating middle managers in low paying jobs. More later and we should have the courage of our ideas. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

As far as the privatization of SNIM, Pr Ely had a well written blog full of statistical data and illustrating the advantages and disadvantages of the deal. I, for once, think it will be better for the company from a management and productivity prospective. Many of you remember that SNIM hit the 12 million ton a year more than 15 years ago, but what you don’t know is that they never surpassed that total. This to me was a clear indication that management was not investing back in the company and growing its capacity. Iron ore prices have never been higher than recent years, and with China and India absorbing market supply, the inability to increase capacity is a colossal failure. So, with all that said, I think a new management style focused on productivity and revenue is needed. More revenue also means more taxes for the government budget. Now, with the very likely scenario that government will mismanage the funds coming from this deal, then this whole conversation is obsolete. But I will put some undeserving faith in the government and assume that they will at least be 50% efficient with that money.
As far as the SNIM workers, they will be the first ones to tell you that their conditions have hit rock bottom and there is no way to go but up. I have talked to few recently and the general consensus is that only company senior management will resist a change. Also, worker unions will be more effective under the new set up and they can fight for their rights more effectively. A workers strike looming on the horizon is nightmare when you’re thinking productivity and $$$.

So, on its surface I think it could certainly be a good thing, but I am not smart enough to see the underlying truth behind the deal and will leave that to the conspiracy theorists.


Anonymous said...

Excellent Cal and I agree with you. More on this later, because of the news below.

I am sorry to inform you that Prof Ely has lost his mother last night. We shall all ask Allah to accept her in his Heaven. Wa Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illeyhi Rajioune.


Anonymous said...

Allahoume er7amha weghvir leha we3vou 3enha wer7emna idha sirna mithleha, Inna lillahi we inna ileyhi raji3oun.

Anonymous said...

So you do agree that privatization of SNIM is a good thing, but you are (and I am with you on that) skeptical on how the money will be used and why this deal will be done and who's behind it?
One thing for sure if ELy is behind it, I am against it. Because like you said this can be another way to make him a Billionaire, Chinguittel aint enough for him.

we're waiting for ur research to uncover the real deal :)

Anonymous said...

Inna lillahi we inna ileihi rajioun. My deepest condoleances to Pr ELy and the family.


Anonymous said...

Un Chinguittois,
Still busy, but will come back to you.

Please read the text below and you will understand what I mean. Sometimes info are not quite right, but you can make inferrences from it if you think hard. I recall Conscience and Resistance (C&R) telling us 2 to 3 years before Lemgheity and the drug scandale of huge tracks of land to store cigarettes and other goods for traficking in the North. I read like most of the peuple and did not give credit to it because it was not believable. Two years later we had Lemgheity (certainly a sour cigarette/drug deal in the first place) and two years after that we had the drug plane being seized in Nouadhibou with some 600 kg cocaine (the dealers were using garded and fenced areas to get planes landing with the stuff to ship through the desert to Morocco/Europe. This was confirmed by recent reports from the International Crisis Group on Occidental Sahara released before the Sahara/Morocco meeting in New York and to which PM Ould Boubacar was invited).

So if you read carefully the linked text below, you will realize that the deal with Mittal might have started long ago during the transition and the author is certainly saying some truth as he seemed the first to flash the issue and remind us Mittal mess in Liberia and Nigeria. Mittal does not stop here only. One of its subsidiaries (Global steel) was awarded an oil exploration contract. Global Steel does not deal with oil, but STEEL and that is awkward. Search for Global Steel in the net and if you find one dealing with oil, I pay you some vacation to Southern Asia here ... How we say "chiche" in English?

Some conspiracy theory here as Cal said. Find the truth for yourself while I check and give some more. Our country is in bad shape and PRDS is coming back ...

Anonymous said...

If you are still reading your blog, we need you to calrify the situation for this venue. If you have no intention on continuing, I suggest that you let us know so we can act accordingly. I think one or two members of this group needs to get access from you, and they can update the blog and continue at the same address or we can go ahead a creat another blog and divert the faithful members to it. Either way, something has to be done.

I am not even sure who is still out there besides Tidinit, Chinguittois, LL, but I hope that we salvage other ano daybreakers and add more regulars.

If you guys think this venue is worth salvaging, please let me know your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I see some leadership skills right there ;)
I agree, I think mom needs to let us know if he's new job (within sidioca government) is keeping him busy to the extent that he cant update the blog, you suggested solutions are the rational steps to take.

Mom should let us know within a week, the 3id is the deadline. Both you and Tidinit are good choices to heir the crown.
I cant due to my weaknesses when it's about pretty ladies. LL certainly cant either, because first of all she is a woman therefore cant differentiate betwen her personal and professional life lol

The other daybreakers are "lost in their thoughts."

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cal on the need to revitalize the blog. The issue is not whether mom is abandoning us, but to know if he is ok. There is no need to leave the blog, but as we suggested sometines mom shall be giving someone access to put contributions to be discussed while he frees himself to add. I see that canalh is doing just that and it is not only LM writing, or Maatala or Yanis, but other people like Lambda for example (I don't know them, but I think it is the way they are organized). I suggest Cal to deputize mom as I myself not conversant with blog computing (a big mouth:yes!). What do you think el khelta nissaen and rijalen ?. Tidinit

N.B: looks like the selling of 30% of SNIM is on as well as the Parti-Etat. Good to know at least that Sidioca sticks to his guns, even if he is wrong. The problem I have is the destination of that money from the sale with the PRDS barons looking ...

Anonymous said...

Un chinguittois,

An article of Calame close to what I said to you in one of my message today. This confirms that the other Mittal (Global steel) got an oil exploration contract while not dealing with oil, but steel. Unfortunatelt Calame left the story hanging there. I will finish it for you as I am dead curious to know why an oil exploration deal with a steel company? Only Ely, Global Steel and Allah know what happened. The sector needs an audit and no one want to do it. With a democracy a l'algerienne or turque, you don't take risks ...

Anonymous said...

Mauritania turned off after proposing Darfur military help by the UN? Read the link below. Recall the country turned off after proposing a military contingent to help in Somalia. The response from the UN then was: Mauritania too far, while they accepted Morocco. Perhaps our top military brass was used to get promoted on the basis of family-tribal links, but not competence and the UN knew. I know few top officers that were well schooled in good military schools (not those in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Irak, etc..). Others I know are just a bunch of ignorants. Anonimity is good as it gives the courage to go after these suckers. I have until 2012 ... The story link is below:
Un Chinguittois: how is the reading on Mittal/Ely business? No true info coming from home. The only way to get to the truth is to read and make the right inferrences. Hope you enjoy the inquiry and I see you scratching your hair because of all the dirty game and crossing/double crossing involved in running our country.

Anonymous said...

Dear All,

Things are going forward privatization, you like it or not. Have I read that Sidioca said we have to move forward? Air Mauritanie dumped (good thing to save money), proceed with sale of 33% of SNIM (good thing to bring money), bringing in PRDS barons (good thing to spend money to tricle some to the poor).

Anonymous said...

Un Chinguittois
Lady Luck
A passer by
A F passer by
Ano Extra

Anonymous said...

Last ano,
ur posting is just weired

Anonymous said...

I wish all you Eid Mubarak. May Allah gives you what you dream of and what you deserve. Tidinit

N.B: Ano Halal would have put the above in the correct religious order for me.I miss him.


ELY Mustapha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ELY Mustapha said...

Thank you all.

On my behalf and in the name of my family I addresse to you all in this blog, and whatever the place where you are, my sincere thanks for the condolences that you addressed to me.

While wishing at the time of this blessed Aïd El Fitr, which encloses this holly month of Ramadan, that never a pain or sorrow strikes you, neither you nor your family.

And wish that our motherland, Mauritania, the mother of all, who links us beyond our differences and of the distance, can continue to promote for her children the hope of a better life.

With my wishes of an Aid El Fitr, filled of joy and happiness to all the Mauritanian and Moslem families, in Mauritania, and all over the world.

Pr ELY Mustapha

Anonymous said...

Amin Prof. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

Eid Mubarak to all we koul amin we antoum bekeir.

I see that there was a comment deleted by the author which meand mom is reading the comments and around. I ask for your forgiveness.


Anonymous said...

3id se3id we koulou 3amine we 2entoum bikhayr!
I am asking you all in the blog for forgiveness and "endewne."

Merry 3id EL Fitr!

Tidinit said...

Thanks Cal for your sharp eyes, letting us know that mom is alive and kicking, surtout durant el id. mom enta vem?

Min nahiyetin oukhra: AOD and Hanena are waking up at the same time and going after twil el omor Sidioca regarding the US base,Isreal, the Parti-Etat,SIM, Air Mauritanie, among other things. Any additional news/clarification/analysis on this?

Eid Mubarak to all we koul amin we antoum bekeir.

I see that there was a comment deleted by the author which meand mom is reading the comments and around. I ask for your forgiveness.


Fri Oct 12, 07:54:00 AM

Tidinit said...

We are @343 messages. Scrolling dowm from a cellular phone set is a nightmare. mom: either you take the proposal of Cal or we sue you for not saving people in jeopardy (lol).

Un Chinguittois: I send you some stuff and you did not react. Send me an email then if the stuff is too big to understand the linkage between our mafia, past and present.

Seen a piece of summary on the issue of SNIM's sale by Prof Ely Moustapha that is just amazing. It is in his blog. The greatest challenge he won is to do quick research on the issue and put the RIM case against the Liberia case that both involve Mittal. Very timely as I am certain the guys from the Ministry of Petroleum and Mines were going to make a blunder in undersaling 33% of SNIM to Mittal or Rio Tinto. I guess they have to move slower now as the public, including the opposition and Sidioca's inner circle have read it. The suckers did not even think of communicating anything to anyone. They were to make the Mittal deal, get their $$ commission in the millions and show us their middle finger. Since the mood is to excuse everyone who has embezzled money, it will apply to them. As it appears the deal strated to unfold during Ely's time and some of his friends left were proceeding and I don't know who got what.Same thing happen in Liberia: the crooks that managed their transition sold all to foreign firms. It is well documented in one of the issues of the Journal "Foreign Policy" and the author suggesting to get failed states in Africa under UN administration until all is straightened.

All this SNIM saga confirms that the coffers are empty and the military junta went with everything, leaving only some $40 million from the oil sale into RIM's Banque de France account. The amount has been used up by July/August 2007, because there was nothing more.

For those of you who read French, better go get Prof Ely's note, read it carefully as the analysis on this SNIM business stops there as you cannot go further for the time being.

Another inetresting news from Reuters of Friday: Bouamatou is launching the new Mauritanie Airways/Airline on 8 November. I have no particular problem, although it seems too much of a coincidence with the demise of Air Mauritanie.

The weirdest of all is that an Ould Abeidna and a group of UK investors are trying to start Air Mauritanie again, the same shut down by Sidioca for lack of $$ to pay the airline's debt.

My conspiracy theory again (Cal enta vem?): Ould Abeidna and his group will get Air Mauritanie for a symbolic 1 UM, not even 1 US$. They will get it without the debt, the personnel, keep few pilots and maintenance people. This after having taken the money out of the airline for several years and dumping the debt for the government to pay. They will use a clever justification: we take Air Mauritanie to save the honour of the country (my arse ..) and pay taxes on what ne new company makes. Ni vu, ni connu. Sidioca will have to accept as they will re-hire some people et le jeu est joué. They have their accomplices high in government circles as usual. Like Mittal appears to have very high connections around the First Lady. It is not me who says so, but people as nothing can be hidden in Nouakchott.

mom: can you tell us something about this mess? I mean the Air Mauritanie one as Ely Moustapha had dealt with SNIM one.

Anonymous said...

I did not get that email, are u sure u sent it to the right email?

Anonymous said...

I did not get that email, are u sure u sent it to the right address?

Anonymous said...

Un Chinguittois,

I posted the stuff here. You may have missed it. It was a response que a query to me and Cal. Check the posting of Tue Oct 09, 12:20:00 PM.

How are the negotiations with LL? Tidnit

Anonymous said...

Ok, I did read that and it made me more confused/angry, the hope I had did evaporate as a consequence. I mean basically we're run by a bunch of ass holes who are selling anything they can and running away with the money. Mittal should be questionned on that deal, since no one can question the CMJD, yet. Screw democracy and freedom of speesh if we are becoming poorer day after day.
To my understanding Ely and "tis3etou rah6in" that were with him sold everything. Ma3awiya, at least, had a long term strategy of bad governance, he had a sense of entitlement over the country and its resources, so he was moving slowly. Tis3etou Rah6in, however, knew they had to leave within 17 months, so they made a deal every day, even during weekends and national holidays. Sidioca is too peaceful/too soft/too Zawi/too weak to make any changes. ZZ has a personal agenda, he's using this periode to prepare for his presidency, wether it is by raising money, making connections and building a reputation ( He's going in the right direction except for the last one). Mom is gone, he doesn't update the blog anymore and we are screwed anyways.

About LL, she is considered a part of the past, one that I am particualrly not very proud of lol.

we should think about building a business, I am assuming that u have a capital to start with.

Anonymous said...

Un Chinguittois,

- mom is not gone. He will come soon;

- concerning LL don't give up. I know you are angry because she is showing you she does not like you. It is not true. She wants to make sure you are serious
- Concerning the $$ gone with the wind and CMJD, we have taken note and people will use it against Ely if he tries to come back.

- starting business these days home is risky. No money it appears. Lét's wait until they sell SNIM in few days. Some of that money will trickle down to people, I hope.

Take care. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about a way to make money for everyone throught selling parts of the country, SNIM, AIr Mauritanie etc. I came up with a much better idea, why dont we sell a part of our land to say China, the US, Europe?? I mean we are not using that desert, and we are poor. Let's sell a part of it for a loooot of money, which can enable everyone to have a house, wife, car, kids etc .. And maybe the new buyer will be good and make it a developped part of the world and later on we can send our kids there to study/work and make money. We can do trade with it( one condition of the sell should be no need to get a visa for that place and no trade barriers).

Let me know what you think..

PS- And maybe their ladies will be luckier than ours ;)

Anonymous said...

This blog is dead. I think mom not coming back anymore. Some people have left already. I am leaving too

Anonymous said...

Last ano,
Plz dont leave us, not that anos matter lol

Anonymous said...

Digging for uranium home has started. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

Un Chinguittois,

Of course I am not leaving ! Tidinit

Anonymous said...

I know you can't leave, because we are setting up a business together. Cal will provide us with some of his hard earned dollars, and you and I will manage the enterprise.
LL will take for her wealthy husband and invest in our firm, after all she like on of the founders ;)

By the way I read an article by Pr ELy sur cridem, it's great check it!

Anonymous said...

Great to read you. Indeed the article has everything. He put the records straight. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

A lire sur le blog du professeur ELY:

"Croissance quelle croissance?"

Anonymous said...

Great article I am reading now.

mom: how is the day? Miss you


Anonymous said...

tidinit, where's mom? I am affraid you're illusinating...

Anonymous said...


You are right. C'est comme si jai fumé un tapis. Sent you something on your email to read. How is LL? Negotiation is the key to success in anything. Trust me.

Do you know by chance if the SNIM deal went through? Some people may have pocketed their commission during the transition and trying now to make Sidioca swallow the deal. Our big sister khattou should watch the suckers. Who is representing Mittal in Mauritania? Where the bloody money of the 11% growth in 2006 and 5.7% growth in 2007 have gone? I am starting to regret Maawiya because since his departure I cannot save a dime because my people are dying of hunger and it is like doing them outpatient care. It is bloody expensive. Prof Ely has raised the right question (s). But as usual, le chien aboie et la caravane passe. Comme toujours. Take care man.


Anonymous said...

Someone told me that mom went to mecca. he is coming. Be patient, please

Anonymous said...

Stupid question: is there any limit to the growth of a blog? This one is bloated

Anonymous said...

President of Mauritania visits Sudan on Tuesday
Saturday 20 October 2007

Khartoum: sudan vision Dilay

The President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdellahi, will start a three day visit to the country next Tuesday during which he will hold talks with President of the Republic Field Marshal Omar Al Bashir dealing with the bilateral relations between the two countries and means of boosting them further in the various domains.
The Mauritanian President will meet during his stay in Khartoum with the Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha and with the Parliament Speaker Ahmed Ibrahim Tahir. He will visit the industrial area of GIAD before concluding his visit with a joint press conference with the President of the Republic at the Republican Palace on next Thursday.
In a related development,The Chairman of the Legislative Council in Sennar State, Osama Abdul-Karim Mohamed, has appreciated his state's relations with Qatar and Mauritian. This came in his address in a celebration held in honour of the visit of the ambassadors of the two sister countries to Sennar State. The Chairman of the Legislative Council in Sennar State reviewed the sisterly relations among the Arab countries, calling for carrying out investment in his state in various fields. Meanwhile, the Qatari Ambassador to Khartoum appreciated the strong relations between his country and Sudan, affirming his country's keenness on carrying out investment in agricultural and animal sector.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Tidinit

Troubled Air Mauritanie sacks 258 workers

Nouakchott, 10/21 - Mauritania`s national carrier, Air Mauritanie, has laid off 258 of its workers and retained 120 others, following two months of inactivity by the troubled company, an official source told.

The company has been grounded after its two operational aircraft were seized in France over non-payment of lease arrears to the tune of US$2.7 million.

The planes were leased from the US company International Finance Leasing Corporation (IFLC).

Meanwhile, the airline`s workers union has condemned the sack, saying it violated the labour code and the agreement between the company and the workers.

It also wondered what criteria were used to select those to be laid off and those to be retained, saying some of those who were retained were never at work and had no specific functions.

Anonymous said...

Anyone knows about this? Puzzled: what is the status of reachable/salable oil/gas? Saw a line in Nuakchott info, apparntly translated from English. SMH site still "en construction". Secrecy tujours. Tidinit

Naftoil and Gulf Regal inks Mauritanian deal
Story link: Naftoil and Gulf Regal inks Mauritanian deal by Tara Malhotra
Naftoil Saudi Arabia S.A. a privately-owned Saudi petroleum company, has teamed up with Gulf Regal Corporation (a company with interests in both America and UK) to sign an outline memorandum of understanding that secures drilling, exploration, and development rights in two high-prospect blocks in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The first block is located on the coast and the second inland. Initial geological reviews suggest that both blocks offer high potential for commercial exploitation.

Included in the deal is the building of a new refinery that will handle local and imported feedstock. Initial capacity will be around 100,000 barrels per day. This will represent a huge increase in refined output and turn Mauritania into a net exporter of refined petroleum products. Naftoil Saudi Arabia S.A. is in early-stage discussions with a leading Chinese player who will act as a partner in building and operating this new refinery.

The initial year-one investment is expected to be in excess of 3 billion US dollars.

The deal was signed by Sheikh Solaiman Bin Abdulaziz Alkuhaimi, chairman of the board of Naftoil Saudi Arabia S.A. and Mr. Hani Salaam, president of Gulf Regal Corporation.

This development represents an exciting development in the commercialization of Mauritania’s oil reserves

Anonymous said...

seriously this got to stop, someone writes something somehow sometime....

Anonymous said...


Don't worry something will come somehow, someday. If you have any news, just dump it there. How are you with your negotiations? Cheers. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

Out of tsvragh, visited the old xouldy site and found this from mom, dated December 06. He predicted it right.

mom: it is time to come back and you should not leave this blog towards a certain death. If you have joined the Sidioca Team, it is fine. Give then the "keys" to Cal until you come back. What do you say?



The clean-up process at the top of the country's governing apparatus has still a long way to go before any tangible outcome can be claimed. The process which started with the toppling of former dictator last year, setting the country back to normality and restoring trust in the ruling political class, appeared to have come to a dead end. With just few months to go before power is handed over to an elected leadership, and the same public figures - whose sworn loyalty to Ould Taya is secret to nobody- still occupy the country's highest and most sensitive decision-making posts. Thanks to a mix of monopoly over the tribe-and-ethnic-minded electorate, a firm grip on financial resources and a network of international relations, this old-new public figures are constantly changing loyalties and making real change in the country impossible. No one of us who welcomed the 3rd of August and sincerely embraced its promises of a break with the past could have believed that Mrabout Ould Sidi Mahmud and his like- minded people still enjoy any relevance to the national scene. Yet we were wrong. A year and a half have went by without any real work done to set the record straight with this corrupt political class.

There is no doubt in my mind that the new leadership has done a great job as far as the fairness of the last month's polls is concerned. Keeping the state away from meddling with the ballot boxes and maintaining the neutrality of the administration is some thing new to our political tradition. The CMJD has shown in this regard a great degree of restraint and good will. This being said, we should not for a moment assume that radical reform can be carried out just by organizing a fair election. To my knowledge it takes more than that. We can not talk of genuine reform unless its outcome is reflected in the life of the regular people, the fist and last target of this reform. With this goal still a long way ahead of us, we can only point to the reasons why we fail to move forward and make the necessary step toward a complete divorce with the past. One main reason is the fake and corrupt political class which is sapping the energy of the country and burying the our dreams ever before they are born.

It's just sad, it's just bad, it's just revolting that we still have to deal with Lumbrabott and his likes. (Sorry to leave you on this note).


25 décembre, 2006 23:02

Anonymous said...

You are the last man on this blog, I admire your resistence, even Cal gave up.

Check ur email, I sent u sthg to read

Anonymous said...

I have a question to anyone who still read this blog (tidinit and hopefully Cal)
Do you guys believe in love? When was the first time? did you tell her?

Ps- sorry to open any old wounds :(

Anonymous said...


Good question. Reading your mail now. In live, you tell her upfront, from second one. Tidinit the long standing man

Anonymous said...

guys (tidinit and un ching),
I have to admit that I was staying away from this blog as a prrotest to the fact that mom is ignoring all the inquiries. I, however, am touched by you two not giving up on this blog. I feel bad that i left you alone.
If i manage to get some free time, i may start a new blog so all of us can stay connected and alive. We may even get to discussed Chinguittois question about love.
Are you love? it sounded like it from your question. ITs a wonderful feeling if ur lucky to experience it.


Anonymous said...

that's great! starting a blog, since mom doesn't have time for us anymore. LL will probably be even happier if u do so. After all she loves u.

I will start shopping for furniture for the new blog, IKEA i'm coming.

Anonymous said...

Good idea Cal to start a blog on the top of this one. Such wonderful people that have used this blog for so many times can't be left out. Let me know what I can bring you from IKEA too.

Above love: you just can't argue with Ching. LL elhguina! Ching is dead serious about loving you. Cheers. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

LL you join us to start a new blog. Cal to lead, LL to co-lead and Ching et moi we bring lehtab. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

tidinit and Chinguittois, please check your emails and get back to me at your convenience.


unchinguittois said...

I commented on the blog ;) we should strat a transition periode, hopefully better than the one we had back home.

Anonymous said...

Me too positively commented. Hope mom is ok. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

Looks like you can be President in Mauritania and still make a killing with your salary. At least the three last President making more than Sarkozy and Chirac, while my uncle the docker can't make ends meet. Sidioca should read John Rawls "A Theory of Justice". I don't know if the Tijanis ever heard about John Rawls in the first place. Seems to me that he is after money, not priotizing poverty alleviation ...Tidinit

Anonymous said...

I think the transition period should start today. I am glad to annouce the creation of a new blog that is really nothing but an extension to this one.

This blog will be open to all of your contributions ala canalh model. So if you have a topic you want to post for discussion, please email me at:

We will be discussing topics ranging from politics, as we've always done here, to love and romance and other loose but entertaining topics.

So, please come and join and as the new blog picks up live, please post the link on other blogs as well.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Cal and Tidinit will come. Thanks for also letting us know that anyone can propose a subject to be debatted here. To lower the level of boredom and "constipation" thanks for allowing Ching's love stories to be read. Visiting now the site (again) and puting the link into my screen. Will see if in the morning and in the afternoon before closing my chop. Cheers. Tidinit

Anonymous said...


You are welcome joining us in the new blog under the leadership of Cal. We all hope you are fine. You got only good friends here and we want to hear that you are doing fine. We miss you and that is for sure. Fais signe. Tidinit

Anonymous said...

This is where everybody went:

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