Monday, February 19, 2007

Sidioca's Hopes Dashed Before The Race Underway

When Sidioca first broke his silence about his plans to run for the top post few months ago, he made the step that threw everyone else's fortunes into doubt. By almost anyone's estimation, Sidioca is the only exit strategy the CMJD can put together in its desperate attempt to hold a middle ground between the strongly voiced remnants of the old regime and the anti-Taya opposition. He was a man who incurred the anger of Taya and fired by him out of the cabinet and yet preferred to shoulder his humiliation to break up with Taya's entourage. The trend then has it that the best way to have the favors of the regime is to keep the opposition card at hand to use at times of adversity. High ranking officials were all subjected to Taya's blackmailing but they developed an extraordinary survival skills like keeping backdoor channels with the opposition to pressurize Taya and counter any intentions of wrongdoing. This is why we have the tribal wisdom of securing a place with the government and another with the opposition to be able to use them if need be.

Sidioca was among the few who chose to do it the Oedipus way, leaving everything behind and embarking upon a world tour as a back packer (lol). It's precisely this mix of continuity and break and of being outside the ring of Taya and yet close to it that made him an excellent pick for the CMJD. We would be shortsighted to assume that the military junta would share a vision of Mauritania like the one defended by the opposition. It would equally be an oversimplification to think they came to power just to rehabilitate the status-quo and buy more time. Their plan is to appease both sides and keep them at bay while relying on time to effect a drastic change in the political landscape. As a far as this calculation goes, two years of the transition and five of Sidioca in power is a length of time enough to bring a new elite to forefront and do without the current one. But the worry that gripped the military from day one was that Sidioca may not be the winning card they thought him to be. As much they tried to rehabilitate him he continued his zero-gravity dive to the ground "huma yentruh elfug U Mulana yentru ettaht".

The support of the CMJD helped build a quick and across the board alliance that swept the municipal and legislative elections and looked ready to win by a landslide in the presidential contest. With money and power on his side, Sidioca could have picked himself up, dust himself off and went ahead to victory. Yet to do that he has to lead a bullish campaign and attract more supporters or at least preserve his edifice from falling apart. None of this was on Sidioca's mind, his strategy being "Ely will parent me to the helm of power". He almost did nothing to bolster his credibility, losing permanently to the opposition and ZZ, who is allegedly running on behalf of the old regime's cronies. Sedioca has made up to now only two public appearances, one in a press conference and the other in a visit to a small obscure village on the outskirts of Butilimitt. This happens at a time the presidential hopefuls are roaming the country, meeting dignitaries, holding alliances and sharing their views with the voters. He reminds me of a complacent Taya who in his last years was turning supporters away to join the opposition. Sidioca was acting like he has no stakes, or may be he thought the CMJD had toppled Taya to hand power over to him. Wake up Sidioca, we're not talking about the portfolio of fish ministry, it's the top post and you've got to fight for it. Whatever was running through Sidioca's mind it was not helping him to get back into the race. And the CMJD was quick to come to this frustrating conclusion.

This alone accounts for the cracks which start to emerge in the El Mithaq and the related talk about the CMJD's neutrality. Some were inclined to see that it's the beginning of a split within the CMJD itself between Ely and his powerful relative O. Abdel Aziz, and that Sidioca was caught in the middle. Nothing can be far from the truth. The two guys who masterminded the fall of Taya are not going to loose each other over Sidioca, but we always hope to see infighting tearing apart those who have power.

The truth of the matter is that Ely, faced with a defiant opposition and an ambitious ZZ, was running out of choices. He has to try to nurse Sidioca back into life and that will be like flogging a dead horse, a hopeless case. Or, turn his back to his promises of fairness and neutrality and undertake a new misadventure which will lead him nowhere. The third choice is the most reasonable even if it means letting Sidioca down in the middle of the road. It has to do with a negotiated deal with some key opposition leaders in return for the CMJD keeping its hands off the elections and abandoning Sidioca. It's in this light that the late series of meetings that Ely held with some of the prominent figures of the opposition and the subsequent collective and individual withdrawals from "Elmithaq" can make sense.

Sidioca, this is your lesson: silence and obedience are launching you as the biggest loser. Because of them you lost to Taya and now you're losing to the CMJD. Anybody else down the list "wasukutu ani el kalami al mubah" (lol).



Anonymous said...

I'm the first

great job mom, i have trouble thinking that Ely gets rid of Sidioca to back Ahmed Ould Dadah. First because CMJD doesn't need Sidioca to be stong to make a president ou of him. He's the making of Ely irrespective of whether he's strong or not. Second, Ahmed in the eyes of Ely is just Ahmed. He'll try to live up with him as the most popular leader of the opposition but no more than that.

I belive Sidioca is still well on his way to victory.


Anonymous said...

You're saying Sidioca is no more, he is now in full campaign visiting artists' galleries. Apparently, he is in a good shape, "Wa Allahou Alamu."

Thanks for the briefing.

Anonymous said...

Another good blog MOM.

Althought this platform is not about me or anybody else, I have to respond to an ano in the previous blog who said he knew me. First of all, I know Mourad and he's a good friend of mine who lived in Southern California. I will have to correct you simply because I don't want my comments to be preceived as his. Second, I have not made campagin for Dahane or anybody else on this platform and if you understand what you read here you will come to that conculsion as well.


Anonymous said...

ano Feb 18, 11:59pm

clearly you didn't understand the intent of the posting. I think with thoughts and ideas, we are all powerful to make a difference in the election. May be you are not ..


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you Californian

you're no one other than Californian and if someone wants to tell who you're his only recourse will be your ideas. This is one advantage of writing anonymously or with a nick name and one of the things I like most about the blogs. Here the author is dead, long live the text. Ideas come first, identities come second. And yet everybody is free to speculate about anyone or anything.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I okayed the above message without my borrowed identity


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Indeed it's a good topic Mom, thanks.
Sidioca doesn't seem to be the favorite candidate he was a month ago which is a good thing, I think.
What about ZZ? is he really a continuation of the Taya's regime? I was thinking he could improve the economic situation od the country. After speaking with several people, and when I saw who are his supporters ( nweiguedhs & abdallahi), I am more skeptical now.

Californian, Les inconnus maywer6ou, oula youjawbou

Mom, we are still waiting for the debate.

Waiting for replies!

Anonymous said...

A FAN, sorry I forget to say hi in the middle of the rush to allay Californian's worry.

Believe me there's a limit to Ely's power, plus he has to take a hot of variables into account. The developments on the ground render any attempt to salvage Sidioca doomed. As for Ahmed, I used to think he is ruled out from the military's favors, and yet given the circumstances I blueprinted in the main story (blog) it appears he may have something to offer to the CMJD. Politics.

Ano 3: 55

Sidioca has also been to the football association. He's not dead yet, he's dying.

And UN CHINGUITOIS, about time to show up.


Anonymous said...

I just showed up, read my previous comment

Un Chinguitois

Anonymous said...

I'm making contacts to hold the live and on the way to get a date set, i'm trying to have a big fish.

Also I thought about extending the idea to include other leading political figures at home and in the Diaspora to share their views with us. What do you make of this idea?


Anonymous said...

It's six morning, time to go to bed.

take care


Anonymous said...

About the idea I'm Loving it :)
You're the man, get us a big fish, and we will see how these guys interact with the citizens.

6A.M is not the time to go to sleep, I know it's none of my business, I couldn't help but commenting lol.

Californian, where r u?

I will be awake for the next 2 hours enchaAllahou so if any of u have somthing to say , feel free :)

A plus

Anonymous said...

sharing with the diaspora is an excellent idea. I like your confidence in your ability to land a big fish...always aim high. You make this happen and it will be a first in the Mauritanian political debate. Now, thats ground-breaking.


I had to answer the anonymous in order not to mistake silence with agreement, but you are right that those who don't bring valuable input are not worth the attention. Thanks to you and mom for the support. Thats what friends are for. Now, excuse me to go work out and then go to bed as well. A+


Anonymous said...

Sidi Ould Eddahi has renewed his attacks on Elmithaq" alliance, accusing it of caving in to the will of former interior ministry Lumrabutt O. S.M.

Another break way: Abderrahman O. Mini has temporarily frozen his membership in HATAM over what he described as "the party's turning its back on its tenets". Mini is currently an MP. He was in the coup of 2003 and a founder of HATAM.
It looks like everyone is suffering some sort of a loss. Here we go.


Anonymous said...

Hi mom
nice job keep it up

the politicians seems to be fed up ould minni has frozen his memership from Hatem ould dahi has left el mitha9 what is happening down there (l akhbar chenhi?)

by the way i am not an english languages student and u did depressed me saying that i am ELS lol

cheers for the news

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ithink the two favorite candidates to go to second round are: Ahmed Ould Dadah and Zeine Ould Zeidane. SIDIOCA is losing his base while Zeine is gaining grounds specially in the eastern part of the country.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone,

Mom, yeah what's up with these internal problems that almost every political party is suffering right now?
Something is wrong in Hatem, the original trio-founders (hanana, mini, & cheikhna) are all separated now going each in a different direction. It is sad how things went between these friends:(

I am, however, "happy" with the situation in ElMithaq. "se7be mahi v moulana matbe6el e3le 7ad." Good for la Mauritanie that these guys are in conflict.

Ano 12:07>
First of all don't yell at us ( caps mean yelling) and u don't have that right unless u're confusing us, as u did the californian kid, with ur children which would be wrong.

Mom keep it up @+

ps. Ahmed o daddah said he's positive of winning the upcoming elections, i just read it.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody

Rim politician

I think the departures and arrivals we're seeing on all sides, "opposition" and other alliances are a healthy sign that there're stakes and people are taking it seriously. It's also indicative of a freedom of choice that allow individuals a margin of maneuvering. This is no more the Taya's way "rally behind me or face the consequences".

As for SOD (Sidi O. Eddahi), he was from day one a collision course with Lumrabott OSM and it looks like he can't take it anymore, mafia business that will have serious ramifications for SIDIOCA.

Ould Mini is the last in a long string of withdrawals from Hatam, Hanana's friends in arms are having troubles giving room to other groups joining Hanana.

About your English, it was you who were talking about assignments, and then we're all students, we learn daily from all walks of life.

Ano 12:07

Definitely, this is our chat room for us, but we don't shut off anyone who likes to be part of our gathering. In fact, Californian and I in particular care to welcome any new comer. You're welcome "ya sidi" and do something to have us all onboard not just blaming and complaining about this and that.

One thing more, my blog is the main story, this is your platform and it's meant for you as well as everybody else.

Again you're welcome, and be positive, we're all anonymous and no one is obliged to give accounts or make excuses.

Ano 3: 20

I share you view but can't yet go as far as to tell who will go to the second round. Fortunes are changing constantly.


Anonymous said...

hello guys

do u think is a good sign to c people leaving there parties 3 days before the lounching of the campaign? and can u tell us about more candidates please e.g there CVs and who do u think is the best candidates in other word who is ur favorite

enough respect to u

Anonymous said...

Hi rim politician

Sorry it took me this long to get back to you. As to your suggestion, I think that candidates histories' tell more about them than their CVs. Everyone can doctor whatever CV he wants, plus academic and professional qualifications rank last on the list of Mauritanians' priorities.

Now, the chances of the contenders are not clear, but Ahmed Dadah is selling himself very well to the CMJD and this may turn his fortunes to the betters while it'll kick some others out of the race

Yet we have to wait to find out


Anonymous said...

Hey guys

This is a wonderful blog and the debate is fierce and enlightening. I got a good idea of what's happening back home, please let's do every thing to build on this.
Since everyone is speaking about a favorite, I think Hanana is a guy from "Sharg" and had the support of the Islamist, and more important all big heads seem to forget about him while fighting each other. Ahmed Daddah it trying to have it both ways and will lose the opposition and the CMJD.

Anonymous said...

Still on my view that Sidioca is leading a calm good campaign and what we see will not have any effect on his popularity. Behind Sidioca there are people who kept Taya in power for two decades, people who don't lack the thinking, money to bring Sidioca to the palace.


Anonymous said...

A FAN, your view is worthless like your Sidioca
Goooooooooooooooooooooooo ahead Daddah
Goooooooooooo ahead Daddah
Goooooooooooo ahead Daddah
Goooooooooooo ahead Daddah

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen

Wake up, your menu today is not like anything you've ever seen. In the last blog about Sidioca I hinted to the existence of a plan to change the political scene in the country. If you remember, I said something like seven years from now are enough to bring a new elite to the forefront and get rid of the current one. Yes, it turns out that the forecast is true. The cabinet has issued a new law charting a road map for the opposition. Putting the house of the opposition in order includes in addition to a new fat pay and fancy accommodation, setting restrictions and boundaries that would be regarded as a new legal frame of reference binding for the opposition.

As I can tell from the new law, it has some good points but it needs a lot of maturity form both the government and the opposition to stick to it and not just use it to harass and blackmail ones' political rivals.


Here's the statement in Arabic

الجمهورية الإسلامية الموريتانية
رئاسة المجلس العسكري للعدالة والديمقراطية
مشروع الأمر القانوني رقم---المتضمن نظام المعارضة

الفصل الأول أحكام عامة

المادة الأولى: يهدف هذا الأمر القانوني إلى وضع نظام قانوني للمعارضة السياسية من أجل ترسيخ وتوطيد الديمقراطية، التعددية وتشجيع مشاركة جميع القوى السياسية في عملية البناء الوطنية.

يهدف المشروع إلى احتواء الحوار السياسي ضمن حدود الشرعية والاحترام المتبادل وضمان التناوب السلمي على السلطة.
المادة 2 تعترف الدولة أن الخيارات السياسية مسألة شخصية بحتة
المادة 3 حقوق المعارضة مضمونة وغير قابلة للتصرف.
المادة 4 لا يجوز إقصاء أي مواطن يتمتع بحقوقه المدنية والسياسية بسبب انتمائه لتشكيلة سياسية معارضة.
المادة 5 تتحدد المعارضة السياسية كتشكلة أو مجموعة مختلفة عن التشكيلات أو ائتلاف التشكيلات السياسية، الداعمة للعمل الحكومي.
يمكن للمعارضة أن تكون برلمانية أو خارج إطار البرلمان يعين زعيم المعارضة من طرف التشكيلات المكونة للمعارضة يتمتع زعيم المعارضة بامتيازات تشريفية، ومادية تحدد بموجب مرسوم.
المادة 6 تمتع الكتل البرلمانية المعارضة من أجل سير عملها بذات الامتيازات المالية التي تتمتع بها كتل الأغلبية البرلمانية.
الفصل الثاني:
الحقوق والواجبات والضمانات:
مادة 7 يعترف لكل تشكلة سياسية بالحق في المعارضة، كما يمكن لأي تشكلة معارضة اختيار المشاركة في مسؤولية الحكومة، حيث تتنازل في تلك الحالة عن صفتها المعارضة.
المادة 8 يمكن للتشكيلات السياسية المعارضة أن تكون تكتلا موحدا من أجل تنسيق نشاطها، لكن لا يمكن لأي تشكيلة أن تنتمي إلى أكثر من كتلة واحدة.
المادة: 9 للمعارضة الحق في انتقاد العمل الحكومي بصفة موضوعية، وبناءة، وبشكل يرسخ المشروع الديمقراطي، والتقدم مع احترام القيم السامية للشعب الموريتاني يجب على المعارضة على وجه الخصوص تفادي كل نوع من التجريح والقذف بحق الشخصيات أيا كانت والذي ينتقد تصرفاتها وأفكارها،وفي هذا الإطار، تضمن للمعارضة حرية التعبير، والأمن ولا يقيدها سوى القانون واحترام كرامة المواطنين وحرمتهم الجسدية والمعنوية.
المادة 10 للمعارضة الحق في الإطلاع على جميع القضايا الهامة المتعلقة بالحياة الوطنية، ومن أجل ذلك يسهل لها حرية النفاذ إلى الأخبار من طرف الو زارات والإدارات العمومية في حدود النصوص المعمول بها عند الضرورة وبطلب من المعارضة أو مبادرة من السلطات، يمكن استقبال قادة التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة، من طرف رئيس الجمهورية، رئيس الجمعية الوطنية، رئيس مجلس الشيوخ، الوزير الأول، وزير الداخلية، والسلطات الإدارية والجهوية، والمحلية.
المادة 11: يستشير رئيس الجمهورية، عند الضرورة زعيم المعارضة حول المشاكل الوطنية، والمسائل المتعلقة بالحياة الوطنية، وبموجب ذلك يجب، برمجة لقاء دوري، كل ثلاثة أشهر على الأقل.
المادة 12 تتمتع التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة بحق التمثيل حسب حجمها الانتخابي ، داخل الهيئات أو المؤسسات التي تشارك فيها تضمن النصوص المسيرة لتلك الهيئات أو المؤسسات، وخاصة أنظمتها الأساسية، والداخلية ذلك الحق، عبر إجراءات عملية يمكن لممثلي المعارضة الاستفادة من امتيازات مادية، أو معنوية، مرتبطة بالوظائف التي يشغلونها، في هذا الإطار.
المادة 13 تضمن تغطية نشاطات التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة من طرف وسائل الإعلام العمومي طبقا للقوانين المعمول بها تسهر هيئات التنظيم المختصة على احترام مبدإ الشمولية والمساواة بالنسبة لهذه التغطية.
المادة 14 يتمتع قادة التشكيلات السياسية، المعارضة مثل نظرائهم في الأغلبية بالامتيازات البروتوكولية والشرفية طبقا للنصوص المعمول بها.
المادة 15 فضلا عن أحكام الأمر القانوني المتعلق بالأحزاب السياسية، يجب على التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة أن تعمل أساسا على.
-احترام الدستور والمؤسسات.
-مجهود البناء الوطني.
-تنمية الفكر والثقافة الديمقراطية عند تكوين منتسبيها ومناصريها
-الثقافة الجمهورية عن طريق احترام قاعدة الأغلبية ومبدإ اللاعنف كوسيلة وحيدة للتعبير السياسي.
-المادة 16 تمارس التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة نشاطاتها السياسية والإعلامية، مع احترام النظم المعمول بها.
-المادة 17 يقدم زعيم المعارضة تقريرا سنويا حول تطبيق هذا الأمر القانوني، وتوصيات من شأنها تفعيله.
-يوجه التقرير إلى كل من رئيس الجمهورية، ورئيس الجمعية الوطنية، ومجلس الشيوخ ويتم نشره.
-الفصل الثالث:
-أحكام ختامية:
-المادة 18 عند الضرورة تحدد إجراءات هذا الأمر القانوني، بموجب مراسيم.
-المادة 19 بنشر هذا الأمر القانوني، الذي يلغي كافة الأحكام السابقة المخالفة في الجريدة الرسمية، ويطبق باعتباره قانونا للسلطة