I just received a call from the guy in charge of Hanana's media campaign, apologizing for the debate and offering another date. He cited something like Hanana was busy and talk like that. Guys I did everything to secure this debate even if it meant starting with Hanana, but it didn't turn as we wished. I can't tell why someone who is running for presidency could refuse an opportunity like this one, but, well, we've got to undergo it to believe it. One thing is sure, this is not a good way to the top post, Hanana!
oui mais ce n'est pas la fin du monde. J'espere qu'on aura effectivement une autre occasion de debat avec Mr HANENNA. Ce n'est pas agreable mais on ne sait quel genre de probleme ou d'empechement il a. Il va s'expliquer, s'excuser certainement. La ponctualite' ca s'apprend comme la democratie et beaucoup d'autres choses.
Surtout ne desesperez pas, cher mom. Votre initiative est louable a plus d'un titre. Continuez svp
mom don't worry there are to many things those guys think about but
a debat with bloggers they don't care about us they only care about our vote so since many of us can't vote so why they talk with us.
any why i don't trast HANANA he said during his coups 2003 ,he is there only to hand the power to people in a short period and in the first apotinty he run for the
prsidency . he is a big selfish
that explain why he disagreed with his friends in early days .
I wouldn't make a big deal out of this mom, as a matter of fact, you should come up with another blog pretty quick so we can all move on. This is certainly a blemish on Hanaena's record as far as the blogger community is concerned. Other candidates, if they are smart enough, may want to take advantage of this and do the live chat with us. Another way of saying, unlike Hanena we have something to say. We will listen.
take it easy makhsser chi 7anana ga3 ma3andou chi radou we l'internet maga6 essma3 bihe lol
if u can try and invite for us ZZ it will be very nice
anyway u did what u promese better than Hanena lol
i personally appreciate what u did for us
mom tell us what is new in nktt if u have heard anything
فعلا، كثير من الطموح وقليل من المسؤولية. إذا كان صالح ولد حننا لا يستطيع أن يفي بوعد قطعه للمئات من رواد المدونات فكيف سيفي بوعده كرئيس لا قدر الله للموريتانيين
موم، لا تدع هذه الحادثة تؤثر على عزمك فأنت تقوم بعمل جبار يربط الآلاف من الموريتانيين. مجرد نجاحك في إطلاق مدونة باللغة الإنجليزية تجمعنا جميعا من عرب وأفارقة ومن متحدثين بالعربية والفرنسية هو في رأيي عمل خلاق يستحق التحية والإجلال. دعك من حننا فالآخرون يرحبون بك وبمبادرتك. من فضلك ابق صلتانا بعضنا البعض
The last thing Hanana would like to do is talk to educated people. He has already his people taking over X ould Y blog and making efforts to have their voices heard. It is like the ras-de-bol. Knowing the CMJD is behind Sidioca, they are going in full speed to make sure that the outcome of the elections are not accepted and they are right, if Ely and Co continue no to play the game and I think they are not.I also do believe it is too late now. Hanena and the Islamists will not accept the outcome of the elections and if Daddah does not win, he will join them. The situation is becoming very dangerous and a change of some sort may happen before the end of this transition or just after. I hope I am wrong.
Californian, Rim, Muarbeea and everyone
Thanks for the good feeling and the moral support you were all quick to offer. I am coming to the realization that our political class is not yet ready for the idea of a debate live online. In fact the trouble of explaining the idea to the various candidates and their aides was more difficult and painstaking than getting them to agree to it. These guys prefer to go the conventional way, on a tv or radio show, and it seems we're not yet where the internet is a common commodity for everybody.
Also, I think despite the embarrassment it triggered, we have to allow for last minute change of schedule and be open to the possibility of Hanana being running short of time. Any way, as Californian said we have to move ahead and leave this behind us.
What hurt me more than anything else is the following post from someone who though writing anonymously looks familiar. Although I don't see any reason why you are so angry against me, I want to assure you that the first and last aim behind launching this blog is to allow English speaking community to come together and create bonds OF FRIENDSHIP. It's not about number of visitors but the emotional and human affiliation that I see coming to life on this blog and that I am proud to be part of it.
" Anonymous said...
You are losing me and probably some other people. Thanks for making a short summary at your own conveniece in French or English for the rest of us. Congratulations: i see that the visitors to your blog have increased tremendously and that is a very good sign. Good luck."
This post really hurts.
When ZZ says he will legalise the "gazra", he reminds me of Taya who used to make the same promises at the beginning of every campaign only to come and create more "Gazras" after the dust settles at the end of the elections.
we know that u did ur best but this guys doesn't know anything about internet and that is not good sign of a president
the guy who wrote that u r loosing him apparament guallou echachera "iguerer rassou "
for u anonyms
if u r mauritanian u should speak arabic or frensh that is where u come from and being in foreign country or speaking english should not make u forget where u come come from and make u forget ur maiden languages
i personally appreciate what u did for us and u don't have to feel anything u did ur best but "la7ewla we la 9ouwetta illa billah" unfortunatly our candidates still living in jesus time
guys get back to the track it is not the end of the world that u didn't speak with Hanena he is not the prophete
زين ولد زيدان رغم كافة المساحيق التي يضعها فهي غير قادرة على إخفاء الحقيقة الساطعة وهي أنه مرشح النظام المسعور السابق. أما مسعود فهو مرشح حقيقي يتمتع بشبه إجماع وطني ووجوده في السلطة قد يحرك الكثير من المياه الآسنة في حياتنا الاجتماعية والسياسية. هل لا حظتم أن مسوم الوعود البراقة قد بدأ فعلا، فبالإضافة إلى تشريع "الكزرات" الكل يتحدث عن نية أحمد ولد داداه إقامة سكة حديد جديدة. بالرغم من احترامي لك يا أحمد لكننا أحوج إلى شبكة طرقات عصرية أكثر من هذه المشاريع التي تستهلك الموارد دون مردود اقتصادي واضح وسريع، أما ولد حننا فهو يعد ولا في- أمر لا يختلف عليه اثنان
زين ولد زيدان رغم كافة المساحيق التي يضعها فهي غير قادرة على إخفاء الحقيقة الساطعة وهي أنه مرشح النظام المسعور السابق. أما مسعود فهو مرشح حقيقي يتمتع بشبه إجماع وطني ووجوده في السلطة قد يحرك الكثير من المياه الآسنة في حياتنا الاجتماعية والسياسية. هل لا حظتم أن مسوم الوعود البراقة قد بدأ فعلا، فبالإضافة إلى تشريع "الكزرات" الكل يتحدث عن نية أحمد ولد داداه إقامة سكة حديد جديدة. بالرغم من احترامي لك يا أحمد لكننا أحوج إلى شبكة طرقات عصرية أكثر من هذه المشاريع التي تستهلك الموارد دون مردود اقتصادي واضح وسريع، أما ولد حننا فهو يعد ولا في- أمر لا يختلف عليه اثنان
"Mutabia", your Arabic is too difficult for me but i think you're saying Massoud can make a president, if that's the case I agree. If we are serious about change in the country we have to vote for Massoud since he alone has interest in make a break with Taya.
Mutabeea, you're too political and intellectual, damn it, talk like a woman.
Massoud was Taya's number one enemy, now he is Ely's number one also. He like anyone else could have fallen to Ely's scheme of buying the opposition but he turned him away. He did this to us mauritanians
ANO 1: 32
AOD plans to set up a railroad to connect the south to the other parts of the country, he is following in the footsteps of his brother (yarahmou) who made "el amel" a reality. But "ehel shareg" will be transporting "lemeiz" only (lol), so i call it from now the train of "lemeiz"
Sorry if I hurt you and it was not at all my intention. I am genuine in saying that I am not very fluent in Arabic and requested you to just make a short summary of the text in French or Arabic so that I can quickly grasp the content, and certainly lots of other people in my situation, al genuinely willing to participate. I am very supportive of your efforts and if I did not like the blog I would not come quite often and I would not have congratulated you. Please take my comments at face value and here is nothing behind my statement. The gentleman who said something after that someone from home should be able to read/speak Arabic should apologize, I believe. Please take it easy, there is no one trying to sabotage your excellent initiative. Let’s forget this and move to debate on the future of our country. Please note that "losing me" meant myself "losing you" if you want.
" Anonymous said...
You are losing me and probably some other people. Thanks for making a short summary at your own conveniece in French or English for the rest of us. Congratulations: i see that the visitors to your blog have increased tremendously and that is a very good sign. Good luck."
This post really hurts.
anonyms i said u should speak arabic or frensh u still can read what i wrote
anyway welcome back i do appologize
u hurt mom he is very sensitive lol
Rim politician,
i read/speak perfecty the three languages, with slowiness in Arabic due to my workinf/social environment for years. I go to the Mosque nd A Sayssar Min Tidinit. I accept your apology and let's move forward. Let's call myself Tidinit for the purpose of this blog, if you allow me.
It seems that things are still not clear-cut home. The most prominent candidates as of tonight are: Sidioca, Daddah and ZZ. We don't know yet who is leading today and things may change in the coming days. Messaoud (and Maouloud by the way) has completely disappeared from the screen, either because he is not well publicized like others or do want to do it his own way, that is from mouth to mouth. Indeed Messaoud could be the right choice to cut things in half and wait for pople to be ready by 2012. As I said earlier, in looking at people expressing themselves in x ould y blog (I am happy that people from all sides of the society are expressing themselves fearlessly for the first time), the final winner will have lots of trouble if it is alleged that the current power is behind his winning. Let's see until Friday. Good night ladies/gentleman and see you soon. TIDINIT et je ne suis pas un griot.
I like the name. Let's not all get too sensitive here, it is an open forum and all are free to say what they want. Sometimes, you won't like what you read, but that's what will make this an interesting blog. It sure as hell will be a boring forume if we all agreed.
By the way, I completely disagree with the fact that Maouloud has fallen from the radar, he's pretty active in Adrar and Tiris these days. As for Mas3oud, he is a polarizing figure who will end at the bottom of the ligitimate candidates results. Sorry in advance for the disapointment.
Hi everyone,
I have been out for the day, and apparently things are getting wild in the blog.
I wanted to respond to a lot of ur comments, but I can't remember them all.
First let's say hi to "the guitar" (tidinit) and we are all proud of u because u speak 3 languages.
Guitar is the closest translation I could find for tidinit.
Hathi el 3erebiye el vous7a emmeli,
"كثير من الطموح وقليل من المسؤولية"
I bet that you are on of them great poets, so it would be greatly appreciated if u can share of ur peoms with us, as a means of inspiration (lol)
Don't blame Hanana, maybe he wanted to come, but since he's supported by the islamists, they probably told him that "l internet bid3e" so he had to cancel it. Or maybe he was in "marset le7moum" telling people how he drove (gassab) a Tank (debaba) from Aravat to Ilot c, the Grey House. Just a thought that crossed my mind :).
And as the kids already told u it's definetely not a big deal. If anyone wants really to talk to him, wait until he finishes with the campaign and wakes up from the dream.
Mas3oud supporters,
Don't get me wrong, but Mas3oud as a president is the worst thing that could happen to Mauritania. I would rather have un inconnu than mes3oud.
Last but not least Californian,
How were the oscars? how's life treating u son? And do u believe in true love? lol
PS. for those of u who don't know what "gassab" means it's a slang for etcascadi or something like that lol
النظام المسعور , anoher powerful expression used by moutabi3e, that I liked. And I still think she should share with the blog community her poems.
That was long. Remember reading is good for u.
Great night and nice dreams!
Un Chinquittois,
Can't stop laughing from your excuse for Saleh, it not far fetched.
The oscars where great and your fav, Dicaprio, didn't win but Al Gore did. So you should be happy.
As for love, and I have not idea why you would ask that, the only true love that i beleive in is the one i am sensing that youe have for Moutabi3a. You keep picking up on her command of the Arabic language, but that is just a cry for attention that she is not giving you son. I am here tonight to report to you that your Moutabi3a could be actually a guy. Ohhh..man that could get ugly. Don't let your imagination get too wild.
I prefer Tidinit so that I will not forget. Cheers. TIDINIT
TIDINIT, I like your name. you certainly have read "Soundiatta, the Epic of Mali", otherwise you would not make the connection between memory and Tidinit. I always felt that this narrative was more about modern Mauritania than it was about ancient Mali. It's just wonderful to see how much we share if we are too patent to be able to see it.
I have to admit that I have not yet read that book on "Soundiatta, the Epic of Mali" and I will if I find it. Thanks for welcoming me and will come in from time to time to contribute to the debate. Cheers and good luck again. Tidinit
can you feel the love?
yes i can, so what?
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