Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Kidnapping of The Plane Ended With All Onboard Safe

Thanks God, the kidnapping of the Mauritanian plane in Las Palmas ended peacefully and quickly. Reports confirm that Spanish authorities captured the kidnapper whose identity is yet to be revealed. No sources have claimed responsibility for the kidnapping and no information about the demands of the kidnapper now in detention.

The big question that remains unanswered and should be addressed from now on is the responsibility of NKTT airport's authorities. Is it possible that they would not be held accountable for negligence and improper security measures at the airport and aboard the plane. An investigation aimed at revealing the truth behind this tragedy should be started and must not stop until the criminals who allowed this to take place are arrested and brought to court. It must be made clear that we can't play with the life of innocent people. It's also time that "Air Mauritanie" pays back for the hundreds of lives which were lost because of its immunity from blame.

We'll be waiting to see what would be the reaction of the political parties, civil society and trade unions and all the other big names. If their demands fall short of asking for an investigation leading to the truth, then "inna lillahi wa inna ileihi rajioun".

We owe these innocent victims to allow their voice to be heard and keep their story on the headlines until justice is done. Nothing short of this will do.

Could you believe it, while we were all trying to get a sense of what was happening our national TV was airing a show anchored by Ould Nemine on Female Genital Mutilation.

I just learned that it’s the Mauritanian crew which neutralized and captured the kidnapper.



Anonymous said...

Hey mom, just logged in and saw this, are u serious "Air mauritanie" was hijacked? Hathe be3d 6ari.
tell us more, who did it? and why?

Un Chinguittois

Anonymous said...

Hi Un Chinguittois

Conflicting reports are coming in about the idea of the kidnapper. While some wires say he is a Sahrawi from Morocco other sources say he is a Mauritanian. It seems that the incident has nothing to do with terrorism and late calls by Al-Qaida number two's to attack governments in the Maghreb Arab.


Anonymous said...

Thanks mom for this briefing

there's no way Airport authorities or "Air Mauritanie" officials can go away with this. Something has to be done to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. A first step in this regard should be a drastic overhaul of the inner workings of both the airport and the "Air Mauritanie". Top officials in both institutions must be held accountable for this tragic incident, and some have to be fired.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why the leaders of the parties are still silent on this unprecedented tragedy. Do they have the guts to speak to us afterwards? Give them the "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF".

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to raise this issue while we are still under the shock of plain hijacking. But can you tell me why Hannana insists on cutting relations with Israel. I've no problem if this move serves the interest of Mauritania, but that's not what Hananna is citing as his reasons. He keeps repeating I will break relations with Israel to bring the country back to its Arab environment. Can anyone tell where is this Arab environment? As far as I know all Arab countries are either friends to Israel or trying to be friends. Major countries in the Arab have official relations with Israel and the rest have them in secret. So, please where is this environment that Hananna wants us so desperately to go back to?

Anonymous said...

هل باتت التدعوة لقطع العلاقات مع العدو الإسرائيلي أمرا مشينا وغير مرغوب فيه. أمركم عجيب.

Anonymous said...

SIDIOCA has named the directors of his campaign. As expected, all from "Rumuz Alfassad".

Abou Hannana and Isreal, the issue is above the guy on the tank and you would do well to listen to him if he gets a CHANCE to be elected president. If you are ready to listen then you'll be disappointed for Hannana's silence on the issue. Guys this is just campaigning.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody

mom, californian, un chinguittois, where on earth are you? We want to talk and get a sense of the pressing issues back home. It's not a good idea to leave the debate for so long.

This is my idea of Hananna, he's too ambitious for someone who has a military background. We expect discipline from the former lieutenant not a useless crisis, like cutting relations with Israel. i don't think Hananna will be voted in to office, anyway. It's my advice to debate the islamists behind Hananna who have real political weight and who are making the fuss about Israel.

Anonymous said...

The president is back from France, I hope it's for a good reason. Will he put some order in the messy airport? Hope so.

To Hell Hanana and Israel, we don't care.

Anonymous said...

All our thought with the Air Mauritania passengers and their families. I am sure those few hours were hard to deal with, but good to see that everything turned ok and no one got hurt.

Now, back to politics. I wouldn’t make a big deal out of Islamist support to Saleh. Yes, they have a considerable base, but they lack what is important in Mauritania and that is financial support. Except for Sahraoui, the outrageously rich business man, I can’t think of any wealthy person or organizations that have clearly voiced support for Islamist or Saleh. Even Sahraoui himself, the only history he has is with Ould Addoud, who has not come out for Saleh. So, needless to say that if cash is king, like they say, our future will remain in the hands of Bouamatou and the likes.

Our political situation reminds me of the following joke:

A kid goes to his dad and asks, "Dad, what are politics?"
His dad replies, "Put it this way; I am the breadwinner of the family so I am capitalism. Your mom is the owner of the money so she is government. The government is the provider for the people so you are the people. Your baby brother will be the future, and the nanny is the working class. Now think about that."
So he went to bed. He was woken by his brother. The baby had pooped in his diaper. He went to tell his parents, but he only found his mom asleep in the bed. He didn't want to wake her, so he went to the nanny. The door was locked. He checked through a hole and saw the dad in bed with the nanny. He went back to bed. The next morning, he went to his dad and said, "Dad I know what you mean now."
"You do? Tell me."
OK, while capitalism is screwing the working class, the government is sound asleep, while the people are watching the future being pooped on!!!"


Anonymous said...

There is too much toing and froing among the different players to be able to tell with any of degree of certainty which side has the most chances. Hananh like Massud will make a healthy contribution to the race but their time is not ripe yet. We're not yet ready for radical politics and there's a lot of work to be done before their message can get across. The two are still appealing to specific electorate and are too much ideological to get all Mauritanians on their side. With this in mind, I can hardly think of the contest without them, they will be doing all the challenging and interesting talk we look forward to hear in our first free polls ever.

Califorian, I like your pragmatic take on where voters will swing but you're making too much of what money can do. It's true most people will go where money goes but the question is exactly "where will money go". I think that the rich people are smart enough to finance only candidates who have already the required social and political backing. As you see money doesn't lead politics it rather follows in its lead. I can now think of the Noueghds, Abdallahs, etc. ready to bet on candidates of the CMJD's choosing. Mind you, these people know how to earn money better than how to spend it.

On the other hand, I liked the joke. It's so real and to the point that I couldn't help reading it again, and again. Thanks.

PS. No word from UN CHINGUITOIS, wish everything OK.


Anonymous said...

Massud wol win, we ar after him. He is Mauritania next president

Anonymous said...

mom, you said in the previous blog that Ahmed Dadah had been the guest of Ely. You know why, because he feels threatened by Hanana and Masud and I think Ely too. This is the common point betweEn the two men.

Contrary to what you think, Masoud and Hanana will be the surprise of the next polls. WAIT AND SEE.


Anonymous said...

استقبل رئيس المجلس العسكري زوال
اليوم المرشح الرئيس دحان أحمد محمود في القصر الرئاسي و قد دار النقاش حول مراحل المسلسل الإنتقالي و السبل الكفيلة بإنجاحه و جدد رئيس المجلس العسكري التزامهم بالحياد التام و عدم مساندتهم لأي من المرشحين للاستحقاقات الرئاسية القادمة .

I guess Ely is using Dahan is a backup?

Anonymous said...

Ano 2: 53

أخيرا من يكتب بلغة الضاد في هذه المدونة. أخي الكريم إذا صح ما تقول فإنه يعني أحد سيناريوهين. إما أن اللقاء جاء ضمن سلسلة لقاءات يعقدها علي ولد محمد فال مع بعض مرشحي الرئاسة يهدف من ورائها إلى إثبات حياد الإدارة وتجديد التزامات المجلس العسكري مقابل بعض الضوابط التي يُلزم بها المجلس العسكري مرشحي الرئاسة. وهذا سيناريو في غاية التفاؤل لكنه قائم. أما السيناريو الآخر فهو أن علي ولد محمد فال بدأ يعد طبخة جديدة لاستقطاب الذين استبعدهم سابقا وفرز مرشح مشترك يحظى بدعم الجميع. وما يعزز هذا الطرح هو النبرة الحادة التي طبعت خطاب "سديوكا" اليوم في قصر المؤتمرات والتي تعكس خروجا تاما على صمته وتملقه السابقين للمجلس العسكري. والله أعلم

Anonymous said...

Ano 2: 53 and Ano 3: 14

You're both very welcome here. Fell free to write as you please in the language that you choose. I don't think that language is an issue at this platform, everyone chooses to write in the language in which he feels most comfortable. And then, no worry there will always be someone to read what you write. Most of the blog community understand the three languages, Arabic, French and English. So have no second thoughts about it.

I have no idea about the meeting between Ely and Dahan. But I don't think any such meeting will change the fortunes for Dahan to the better. The guy is receiving much media attention more than his real political weight justifies. To compound his misery Dahan is a solo presidential hopeful, running on his own without any alliance to back him. I think he will end up joining one of the three big alliances some time before the campaign. No way he can make it alone. Sorry for him.

Ano 11: 17 and Ano 2:47

Definitely, Massoud and Hanan are no cosmetics to the presidential race, and it'll take a lot of hard work to evict them from the first round. But this is one thing and winning the race is something else. I don't see that they're ready, not yet.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

I was a bit busy, but here I am back and let me tell u it's great to be back lol.

How's everyone doing?
Apparently the campaign has officially started in Mauritania, and every candidate is doing his best to get elected, which is normal. And I think I will start campaigning for Haidalla for my own reasons. He has the best Resume,(CV), he was once a president, remeber?

each one of u follow me, and pick up his candidate, and let's compare them.

And by the way how's was ur valentine?

Un Chinguittois

Anonymous said...

You are eliminating candidates left and right. Are you sure you don't have a favorite? May be you can tell us who do you think is a “heavyweight” enough to win the race. Truth of the matter is that anybody among the top tier candidates is capable of pulling it off at this point. Alliances are artificial and regional allegiances are very fragile. So, although a long shot, I would not eliminate Messoud, Saleh, or even Dahane. The latter had a visit from European ambassadors and a day or two later he meets with Ely?. I am not into conspiracy theories, but we will all be naïve if we think that the European Union will stay away from this election and not try to influence its outcome.


Anonymous said...

Un Chinguittois

Good to have you back, and despite your dislike for Californians, I want you to know that I like ALL Chinguittois even a Haidalla supporter such as yourself. Having said that I am saddened to tell you that if your candidate wins, we will be taking a major step backward. Regardless of his chances to win, which are very slim to begin with, I can not imagine us under the rule of Mohamed Khouna ould Haidalla in the 21st century. Can’t we flush out a leader who’s name is not Daddah-Haidalla-Taya? I am sure we can do better but absolutly not sure that we will.


Anonymous said...

I was kidding about my dislike to Californians, as well as my support for Haidalla, although he doesn't seem to be the worst candidate.

So who do you suggest or think is the best fit?


Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed this interesting exchange, it was late and I couldn't resist the temptation of a warm bed.

Californian, you're right I don't give the impression of having a favorite, keeping the heat on each and every one, always sparing no one. But this is exactly the point and I hope you agree that the current political landscape doesn't meet our expectations, forcing us to the fringes and to resistance. None of the contenders have the kind of modern political programme that addresses our hopes for a complete break with the past and its wounds. In fact I don't expect any of them to stand for the modern state we wish our country to be, for the simply reason that he would not make it going down that road.

You may rightly ask, what to do? The answer to this embarrassing question is to keep a space from all the candidates, expose them and show their drawbacks. It's up to Mauritanians to choose who will govern them but we can still tell them why their choice is not the right one. A critical attitude is the only political programme I favor and vote for. You, and hundreds of like-minded, including me, have to learn to cope with difficult situation and make the best of it. We would cheat ourselves into thinking that elections in Mauritania will bring a cabinet which is not the outcome of a compromise between the vicious trinity of tribalism, state coercion and business intervention. People vote for a candidate because he happens to be a relative, "generous", or supported by the government. This is the sad reality that we have to deal with and learn to criticize not to endorse.

When the people choose their government I'll be the first to recognize its legitimacy, but always on my way. I have to put it under pressure and do what I can to unveil its inner workings. This is the fine line that we didn't choose but was forced on us by history. To be on the fringes and learn to make good things of it, to work within the national consensus but keep always a vigilant eye on power and its dark underworld. Is there's a price to pay? Obviously, there's.


Heidala has to let go with the public life. The guy came to power through a military coup and was ousted by another. He in the race is another hurdle that should be cleared away in the efforts to make a genuine leap to the Mauritania we all want to share and belong to.


Anonymous said...

Can anybody tell me what's on Ely's mind. Just yesterday, he met two candidates: Hananah and Dahan. Other candidates have been to the palace to see him before these two and more visits are expected in the coming days. Why Ely is so keen to see everybody? There must be something behind this.


Anonymous said...

Only Ely knows whats on his mind. May e Petit Dahy knows as well. Since he met with Daddah, he has to meet with the rest of them to reflect some sort of neutrality. But it is deal making time, and there are contenders and pretenders out there.

Un Chinguittois
Good thing you are kidding about seem smarter than that. As for my choice of candidates, I will reserve the right to reveal that until I see evaluate their programs and further look at their entourage. I will certainly not put much weight on the program factor as failed implementation and empty promises are the norm. At this time I would say that the following are the leading candidates:
1- Daddah
2- Saleh
3- Dahane
4- Sidioca
And the only reason Dahane is in that mix is because something about him is not yet clear. He intrigues and exudes confidence without a solide mass support or name recognition. If there will be a surprise candidate, he is the one.


Anonymous said...


It's obvious Ely is trying to work out a deal of some sort otherwise he wouldn't waste his time on these guys. But the mystery is what type of deal did he conclude with each and whether he made the same offers to all. I think, Ely is trying to tell us he's done with Sidioca and may be he is now on a mission to rally support for Ahmed Daddah. Surprise.


Anonymous said...

يا جماعة دعوا علي ولد محمد فال وشأنه، إذا لم يستقبل قادة المعارضة يتهم بالانحياز وإذا استقبلهم بالأحضان يتهم بالانحياز أيضا. ما ذا يفعل المسكين؟

Anonymous said...


Let me start where you finished "surprise". Or, isn't. One thing Ahmed seemed to have learned from standing up to Taya. It's that if you oppose you lose. Now in the post Taya, Ahmed has reinvented himself enough to appeal and stay open to the government. From day one he made no secret of his warm welcome to all the leading figures from the former regime. This was only a first step along the road to the new Ahmed who is pitilessly pragmatic and politically over mature. But the irony here has less to with Ahmed seeking the friendship of his former enemies, for he is well beyond that, it's with those enemies turning him away. Ely and the former friends of Taya want AHMED in the opposition not in power. It doesn't have to with what he's doing now but with his past. No one from the regime can trust AHMED who launched himself in 1991 as the strongest man by attacking the army and calling for some of its members be brought to court. This alone is enough to keep him out of the favors of the CMJD. As I said somewhere else, Ely wants Ahmed strong in the opposition. That way he can serve Ely's interests best. Full stop.


Dahan is quite mysterious but believe me he's up to nothing. We'll see. One may be inclined to think that he enjoys some international backing, but its not the case. The guy is a blend of Islamism and Arab nationalism which is another way of saying he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. That he over covered by the media, this is another story.

Let me reorder the list of favorites


My forecast : Sidioca and Dadah will make it to the run-off which Sidioca will win by a sweeping majority.


Anonymous said...


This scenario is quiet possible, but it lacks imagination. If it happens, then we get the president we deserve as a population that lacks vision and easily manipulated.

Good night to all. At least you get to dream about a better future.


Anonymous said...

pls give me a break. No way Sidioca and Dadah will be in the second round. If what you say turns out to be ture, not only the other candidates would lose but everyone else. Be optimistic, let's hope someone who is a figure of chsnge will win the elections.

Anonymous said...


دعنا نأمل بأن الغد سيحمل لنا بشائر التغيير والإصلاح وإن كنت أشاطرك الرأي بأن الواقع السياسي لا يبشر بخير. لا أدري لماذا أشعر أنك ضد دحان والإسلاميين، عليك أن تراعي مشاعر الآلاف الذين ينتمون للتيار الإسلامي والذين يمثلون قاعدة انتخابية صلبة في هذا البلد.


Anonymous said...

hi guys what's up
wanna say that mauritania hasn't been ready yet to be democrate and it's obvious.have u ever heard of a country with 19 candidates what the hell is that as we say (el 3azeba ileyn ta3e6iha echber tegubadhe edhra3)i personally think that we should vote neutral for ely and don't waiste our time dreaming it is only God and ely who know the next president

by the way mom u r very good in english can u help me with an asseiments that i have to do about smokin

Anonymous said...

Ano 3: 23

You're warmly welcome to where you really belong, as I can tell from your post that you're a student of English.

About the assignment, just send me your outline and I'll be happy to do the rest.

Sorry, almost forget to ask you where your college and tell your colleagues to stop by here in the blog. I don't mean that this is a quid-pro-quo.


Anonymous said...

rim cowboy,
I called cowboy because it's more exclusive than politician, all mauritanians are "politicians," u don't wanna be one in millions, u wanna, plutot, stand out.
Anyway all u need to say is "smoking kills u," but say it with a distinctive tone, show emotions, and be urself lol. U do what I told u and u will probaly fail ur assignment.

Revenons a nos moutons!
Here is an idea form "A Man of Ideas," since the candidates dont seem to have a plan/agenda, we should try to come up with what would be the idea plan for the ideal president. I know we won't get an ideal president, but dreaming is still allowed.

What would be some of the issues that the next president must address in order for mauritania to become a better country. Indeed, there is a room from improvement in any sector, but priorities should be addressed first. Education and Health Care, I think, are crucial, and every mauritanian, regardless of his/her age,tribe, or ethnicity is affected by what happens in these sectors on daily basis.

long story short we need to identify Mauritania's priorities and have them on the top of the next government "to do list"

PS: unemployement is another important issue, but I didn't talk about it becuase that would be "ray ejakani" no offense to les jakans lol.

A bientot

Anonymous said...

let the kid do his assignment for himself, I was just talking about what we should do to improve education, the answer is certainly not:" doing for the "politicians" their homework."

Kid, be independent!

Anonymous said...


Asel marahba, what are those big fish which kept you away for so long. Californian also turned up but unfortunately I was not around to exchange few words with him. As I gather we're on different shifts and can't seem to be logging on at the same time. But it's a relief to read your entries every now and then and learn from them.

To pick on your list, this is my priorities:

- Fighting Corruption (implementation of reward and punishment system, indiscriminately)
- Rehabilitating NKTT as modern urban city (roads, high-rise buildings, public green places, etc.)
- Security (first step dissolving the police and handing security responsibility over to the National Guard)
- The state should adopt a no-one-above-the law policy (only this way we can fight tribalism and other residues of our precolonial society)

With this vital steps taken, the elected cabinet can undertake the following:

- Unemployment (most urgent)
- Medical Care
- Housing for the Poor
- Legalizing Squatters (second most urgent)
- Messy and Stifling Traffic
- Transport (public and private, inside NKTT and across the country)
- Air Mauritanie and Airport (should be closed down)
- Etc.


Anonymous said...

Mom mere7be bik,

It's Saturday night, so don't expect to see Californian around, he strikes me as a party animal :).

From ur post, it can be concluded that u're an "angry person,"in a good way, lol, wella plutot u hate as much as possible the current situation. How can we close our airport? And if we do so, how can Chinguittois go back home? U know I miss home, so why are trying to stop me from seeing my bloved ones? :(

The changes u're calling for are too radical, and @the current stage we don't want radicalism. A "step by step" strategy is more applicable.
"Dissolve the police" lol,what are u gonna do to 1000s of people who will loose their jobs as a result? Before we take any action, we must analyze the consequences, and make sure it doesn't threaten the stability of the country, especially in these critical moments.

Californian stop partying! or at least wait for some positive change to have a valid reason to celebrate/party lol

Mom/californian> I am still Jobless, "welebibou bil icharati yevhemou" lol

PS: The scene about me feeling homesick and so on is meant to be funny, sorry it didn't meet ur high expectations. One thing for sure: I used to be funny :)

Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

Dear All,

I just discovered your blog and congratulations. I am a Mauritanian. I wish to contribute. Two things are coming to my mind: the hijacking and the meddling of CMJD in the presidential election.

Hijacking: this is very serious and Islamists are here to stay in the political arena and hold everyone hostage, if there is no strong security apparatus to check on these things. I have always trusted Ely & Co in their refusal to free the ones still behind bars. Although I want him to go like the rest, the issue here is that we should be careful not to let the security apparatus in the hands of people who do not realize the danger of opening the doors to islamic parties wide open. They are those moderate and those radical among then. However, they pursue he same objetives and once closed to power, they aim at the same things: get he power and apply Charia in all the facets of social lives. I don't want my children to live in that kind of environment. This is just a view.

Presidential election: CMJD is not letting things go. Nothing has changed. It appears that nominating several people last wednesday during he ministerial council is to have people proceed with supporting Sidioca. Sidioca will change nothing as all has been provided to him by CMJD on a plate. His message is vague and not convincing. Unfortunate also that the other candidates do not have any meaningful messages. They all want power and use tribal or regional means to aceve their aim. Another coup d'etat is to be expected prior the end of the transition or just after because nobody is playing the game. The CMJD itself can do a second coup and go for second transition where Ely (or Aziz) can run for president. CMJD (with Ely) has been contracdicting itself and no one can trust what they (Ely) says these days.

I am really worried ....

Anonymous said...

Worried man.

Welcome to the blog and thanks for sharing your thoughts. As you probably kknow by now, the hijacker didn’t have an islamist agenda, the poor guy just wanted to go to France and have political asylum. What is worrying in this whole scenario is the cooperation he got from the police officer who smuggled the weapon for him on board of the plane. Not to say that our security appatatus is flawless, but when men act on their own out of anger or hunger, there little that could be done. Fairness and adequate pay and hopefully true background checks or the only measures the government can take to eliminate such actions.

As for the CMJD meddling in the upcoming election, we have to give the benefit of the doubt at this point since Ely came out publicly and denied supporting sidioca or anybody else. We can’t afford to be too skeptic even after public reassurances. Remember the days when we didn’t have the luxury of presidential press conferences and we were all left in the dark. We are in a place better than where we were two years ago. I realize that we hope to be in an even better place, but lets take baby steps.

Un Chinguittois

All I can say is that it takes a party animal to recognize one. Saturday nights may not be as quite where you are either. Do you want a job as a bouncer?


Anonymous said...

I am sorry but I have to deny ur offer. I can't be a Bouncer for many reasons, the most important being: It's against my principles. But hey it's a nice try, I appreciate ur concern about my career.

Worried man: Stop worrying, the only thing u'll get from it is loosing ur hair, not worth it.

Mom: where did u go? u're taking the week end off without a notice. I cancelled all my plans so we can discuss, and here we are, the moderator is absent.

Khroujou: I heard that Britney spears shaved her head.

E7yaw echwey!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone

Californian & UN CHINQUITOIS

Could you tell me why you go wild every time I'm nowhere to be seen. I stayed up last night until three in the morning and then left, thinking may be you were outdoors.
Now to my great dismay I find out that you were back and again after I logged off.
As ever, I have the comfort and the solace to read your great ideas, a way to keep track of you.

Ano 3: 45

I add my voice to Californian and invite you to join us. You're warmly welcome and I think you have a lot to contribute to this platform. Unlike Californian, I think your anger and skepticism are indicative of your unwavering support for the welfare of the country.

Now, have you noticed that Wad Annaga is increasing becoming our new political Mecca. Ahmed has been to it and so Sidioca and now Hanana and ZZ. I can understand it's not far from NKKT and perhaps launching one's campaign from there is a smart way to save money, especially if you are pocket-conscious.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back mom,

I understand why Saleh went to wad naga, he was once there as a sentenced to life prisoner, so he wanted to be back as a candidate for the presidentcy ( soub7ane ellah) " la yedoumou 3ela 7aline leha chanou".

The other candidates, I don't understand, why wad naga??? Unless they believe in the accuracy of the latest Global Warming report, and are positive that the Atlantic will swipe out Nktt from the world map. Therefore wad naga would be the future capital. " manne evalhoum."

Anyway, any news coming from nktt? any candidate doing/saying something "original"?

Always a pleasure,

Un Chinguittois

Anonymous said...


A. Daddah started his presidential parade from Kiffa, away from NKTT and Trarza where he has a huge support. The message Ahmed wanted to send was that he is intent on winning "Ehl Shareg" over. Now Massud has organized his largest meeting ever in Riyad, why? Massud's major support comes from Riyad. The answer is that it's a stupid move.

Anonymous said...


Does this mean that we can also expect Hanana to kick off his campaign from the Presidential palace where he has been once before he left to "bilad Allah Elwaseea". I like your bitter sense of humor, you've such an extraordinary gift to always be unpredictable in the way look at things.
About NKTT, I thing it's the lull after the storm not before it, bearing in mind that the first storm about the CMJD's neutrality has more or less abated. People are tending their business and it looks like the party leaders are so busy preparing their campaigns to have any time to spare to the usual political tit-for-tat. We'll see when the campaign is in motion that "Halima" is back to "Adatiha El kadima".


It's true Ahmed was very smart to start his first major political rally where he has fences to mend, in "Sharg". Massud making the take off from his electoral stronghold is to my mind a wrong step, or may just muscle flexing. Some people think that there's a show side to the political build up, and Massud maybe one.


Anonymous said...

mom's fan,

Mas3oud is an important figure in the politics of Mauritania, he's one of the few (islamists, Ould maouloud) who have a "real" base of supporters. By real I mean they have some people who no matter what happens they will still vote for them.
Another thing he's not stupid, I am sure he has a strategy. We just don't know what it is.

Californian/Mom wake up guys!

Anonymous said...


What do you think of making a list of priorities and pass it around to the other blogs. Once fleshed out and finalized we hand it out to all the presidential hopefuls. This would be something like the view of the bolg community which I think make up for most of the intellectual and political class.

If you think this is a good idea, we can start by elaborating on the tentative list CHINGUITOIS and I have already started. Say also if you think we should proceed otherwise, we need to brainstorm on this. All ideas are welcome.


Anonymous said...

and then why don't you materialise?


Anonymous said...

The campaign goes east along highway El Emel and Wad Naga is the first exist on that highway. It only makes sense that all these candidates stop there to refuel and ask for the help of “tagounanet”. Seriously, I think the main reason behind the interest in wad naga in actually it proximity from “oum el ghoura”. That is the small little village where Ehl Addoud live along with Ould Dedew. Its only few kilometers away, and all candidates are schmoozing to ould Dedew to see if they can snatch him away. For most candidates he is like the mistress that you can’t live without, but you don’t want to be seen with for most candidates.


The blog canalh has beaten you to the idea of putting together a list of questions about all issues concerning us all and passing them on to the candidates. This is pretty much what you are talking about as far as list of priorities right? Having said that, we can certainly entertain the idea. What I’d like to see is a live blog discussion with one of the candidate ...uncensored. If you are in Nouakchott, you can make few phone calls and have a candidate log on and answer our questions live. Why not?


Global warming is clearly the main reason why Brittany shaved her head. It’s getting hot here in California. I am also pleased to see that you stick to your principles even though it meant job security of food on the table. Or on the hawli..or whatever you eat on.


Anonymous said...

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Californian,

I find it a brilliant idea to try and hold a live debate with one of the candidates. But what would be the language, Arabic, English or French?

One worry is running through my mind and it has to with having everybody logged on at the same time. I'll see what I can do to make it come true.

In the meantime, how does Britney look like with her head shaved? The same? Just want to know how we would look like too when we are swept away by high rising water levels. Reports warn that NKTT would be one of the places worst hit by global warming and UN CHINGUITOIS is positive about it.


Anonymous said...

Happy new Lunar year for everyone.

I leave you on this note.


Anonymous said...

I get the honor of posting the 50th comment. i beleive this is a new milestone for this blog. congrats to all.


Anonymous said...

Back again,

I was doing some studying to increase my chances of getting a decent job, not "a bouncer." And apparently there have been many interactions, I like that.

Mom, I like ur idea of having a list priorities to later use/present to the next administration in the hopes of having them addressed.
Britney looks bloody awful after shaving her head, u can always google her but be ready to see some shoking images.

Ur idea of live chat with some of the candidates is awesome, Hopefuly MOM has the required connections to make it happen.

MOM if u decide to do it, we want a real candidate, not one of the "inconnus," un term que xoy used to describe them.

Ahmed o dadah
Saleh hanan
Ould Maouloud
Mas3oud, outove

let us know if it's doable, and don't promese if u can't deliver lol.

Happy new year to everyone and let's hope for the best:)

Good night and good luck

Anonymous said...

About the language I think hassaniya/arabic is the common language for these guys. They aren't the most educated :)

It would be hard to speak with hanana/mas3oud in English.

Californian, U just wanna have something to put on ur resume lol. that's not a big deal :)


Anonymous said...

It happens that I'm still up. congratulations Californian and all of us for this new achievement and I can tell from the last blogs that yours and UN CHINGUITOIS' comments have made the difference. It's now an interesting debate platform indeed and it will get better and better with your ideas and dedication.

About the live, it's doable but you didn't tell me what to do to have everybody online at the same time. That's the main worry to arrange it with one of the candidates and it turns out it's not at the right time for everyboone. I need suggestions to deal with this.


Anonymous said...

I am still up too :)
I think week ends should be good for everyone.
Check up ur calenders and see what time work for u.
To give u a head start, I suggest friday 4:00 P.M. GMT, it works for me at least. I am open to any other suggetions.

Waiting for ur responses!

Anonymous said...

having everyone logged on at the same time should be the least of your worries. The candidate will have to commit to a day and a time..hopefully a weekend. Once that date & time is agreed upon, you issue a blog to that effect inviting everybody to be logged on at that time. People can ask in whatever language the candidate feels ok with. You should worry about a candidate accepting your invitation.

Un Chinguittois

Did you just sign off using the legendary CBS journalist Edward Murrows sign off "good night and good luck"? or what that because of the movie? either way, I am impressed.


Anonymous said...


Apparently MOM is a powerful person, he can bring any candidate at any time. More power to u mom.

About the line, what matters is that u're impressed :)
And californian: are u voting? If yes, how? If No why?

Waiting for ur answers!

Anonymous said...

Not voting because I am not gonna be in a place where I can vote. but just like you, I am powerful enough to make a difference in the election from a distance.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i don't agree with you of supporting aly having those extremest islamic in prison with no charge they have to face jestice and get what they desarve
there may some innocent ,
but the best think for the islamist to give him permition for a party and let them compaining freely , and they will faild on the first election because no body trast them , and even if they win that will be the best chance to show people how they dealing with the reality of life far away from
(thr relation with isreal isue ,and party permition) wish seem the only programs they have.

Anonymous said...

i knew the id of califorinian
he MR mourad ould hamadi and he is
here campaining for his causin
dahan ould ahmed mahmoud

Anonymous said...

I'm going ahead with our live as I think the candidates would be stupid to turn it down.

As for the Islamists, a deal has to be reached to allow them to run like any other group. And yet it takes a great deal of honesty to reach that point. On the one hand the Islamists have to come clean on number of issues and stop addressing different audiences. On the other, the government has to meet them half way after they stop paternalising everything and behave within the political totality of all Mauritanians. The time when ideological movements gave themselves the right to speak on behalf of everybody is over, that's why we defend democracy now in this country. You represent only people who're willing to give you their vote.

Any way, I think the Islamist question has a more regional and global spill over to be met in any proper way any time soon here.


Anonymous said...

thinks mom
i agree with you on this point

Anonymous said...

ano Feb 18, 11:59pm

clearly you didn't understand the intent of the posting. I think with thoughts and ideas, we are all powerful. May be you are not ..
