The menu today is not like anything you've ever seen. In the last blog about Sidioca I hinted to the existence of a plan to change the political scene in the country. If you remember, I said something like seven years from now are enough to bring a new elite to the forefront and get rid of the current one. Yes, it turns out that the forecast is true.
The cabinet has issued a new law charting a road map for the opposition. Putting the house of the opposition in order includes in addition to a new fat pay and fancy accommodation, setting restrictions and boundaries that would be regarded as a new legal frame of reference binding for the opposition.
As I can tell from the new law, it has some good points but it needs a lot of maturity from both the government and the opposition to stick to it and not just use it to harass and blackmail one's political rivals.
Here's the statement in Arabic
الجمهورية الإسلامية الموريتانية
رئاسة المجلس العسكري للعدالة والديمقراطية
مشروع الأمر القانوني رقم---المتضمن نظام المعارضة
الفصل الأول أحكام عامة
المادة الأولى: يهدف هذا الأمر القانوني إلى وضع نظام قانوني للمعارضة السياسية من أجل ترسيخ وتوطيد الديمقراطية، التعددية وتشجيع مشاركة جميع القوى السياسية في عملية البناء الوطنية.
يهدف المشروع إلى احتواء الحوار السياسي ضمن حدود الشرعية والاحترام المتبادل وضمان التناوب السلمي على السلطة.
المادة 2 تعترف الدولة أن الخيارات السياسية مسألة شخصية بحتة
المادة 3 حقوق المعارضة مضمونة وغير قابلة للتصرف.
المادة 4 لا يجوز إقصاء أي مواطن يتمتع بحقوقه المدنية والسياسية بسبب انتمائه لتشكيلة سياسية معارضة.
المادة 5 تتحدد المعارضة السياسية كتشكلة أو مجموعة مختلفة عن التشكيلات أو ائتلاف التشكيلات السياسية، الداعمة للعمل الحكومي.يمكن للمعارضة أن تكون برلمانية أو خارج إطار البرلمان يعين زعيم المعارضة من طرف التشكيلات المكونة للمعارضة يتمتع زعيم المعارضة بامتيازات تشريفية، ومادية تحدد بموجب مرسوم.
المادة 6 تمتع الكتل البرلمانية المعارضة من أجل سير عملها بذات الامتيازات المالية التي تتمتع بها كتل الأغلبية البرلمانية.
الفصل الثاني:الحقوق والواجبات والضمانات:
المادة 7 يعترف لكل تشكلة سياسية بالحق في المعارضة، كما يمكن لأي تشكلة معارضة اختيار المشاركة في مسؤولية الحكومة، حيث تتنازل في تلك الحالة عن صفتها المعارضة.
المادة 8 يمكن للتشكيلات السياسية المعارضة أن تكون تكتلا موحدا من أجل تنسيق نشاطها، لكن لا يمكن لأي تشكيلة أن تنتمي إلى أكثر من كتلة واحدة.
المادة: 9 للمعارضة الحق في انتقاد العمل الحكومي بصفة موضوعية، وبناءة، وبشكل يرسخ المشروع الديمقراطي، والتقدم مع احترام القيم السامية للشعب الموريتاني يجب على المعارضة على وجه الخصوص تفادي كل نوع من التجريح والقذف بحق الشخصيات أيا كانت والذي ينتقد تصرفاتها وأفكارها،وفي هذا الإطار، تضمن للمعارضة حرية التعبير، والأمن ولا يقيدها سوى القانون واحترام كرامة المواطنين وحرمتهم الجسدية والمعنوية.
المادة 10 للمعارضة الحق في الإطلاع على جميع القضايا الهامة المتعلقة بالحياة الوطنية، ومن أجل ذلك يسهل لها حرية النفاذ إلى الأخبار من طرف الو زارات والإدارات العمومية في حدود النصوص المعمول بها عند الضرورة وبطلب من المعارضة أو مبادرة من السلطات، يمكن استقبال قادة التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة، من طرف رئيس الجمهورية، رئيس الجمعية الوطنية، رئيس مجلس الشيوخ، الوزير الأول، وزير الداخلية، والسلطات الإدارية والجهوية، والمحلية.
المادة 11: يستشير رئيس الجمهورية، عند الضرورة زعيم المعارضة حول المشاكل الوطنية، والمسائل المتعلقة بالحياة الوطنية، وبموجب ذلك يجب، برمجة لقاء دوري، كل ثلاثة أشهر على الأقل.
المادة 12 تتمتع التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة بحق التمثيل حسب حجمها الانتخابي ، داخل الهيئات أو المؤسسات التي تشارك فيها تضمن النصوص المسيرة لتلك الهيئات أو المؤسسات، وخاصة أنظمتها الأساسية، والداخلية ذلك الحق، عبر إجراءات عملية يمكن لممثلي المعارضة الاستفادة من امتيازات مادية، أو معنوية، مرتبطة بالوظائف التي يشغلونها، في هذا الإطار.
المادة 13 تضمن تغطية نشاطات التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة من طرف وسائل الإعلام العمومي طبقا للقوانين المعمول بها تسهر هيئات التنظيم المختصة على احترام مبدإ الشمولية والمساواة بالنسبة لهذه التغطية.
المادة 14 يتمتع قادة التشكيلات السياسية، المعارضة مثل نظرائهم في الأغلبية بالامتيازات البروتوكولية والشرفية طبقا للنصوص المعمول بها.
المادة 15 فضلا عن أحكام الأمر القانوني المتعلق بالأحزاب السياسية، يجب على التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة أن تعمل أساسا على.
-احترام الدستور والمؤسسات.
-مجهود البناء الوطني.
-تنمية الفكر والثقافة الديمقراطية عند تكوين منتسبيها ومناصريها
-الثقافة الجمهورية عن طريق احترام قاعدة الأغلبية ومبدإ اللاعنف كوسيلة وحيدة للتعبير السياسي.
-المادة 16 تمارس التشكيلات السياسية المعارضة نشاطاتها السياسية والإعلامية، مع احترام النظم المعمول بها.
-المادة 17 يقدم زعيم المعارضة تقريرا سنويا حول تطبيق هذا الأمر القانوني، وتوصيات من شأنها تفعيله.
-يوجه التقرير إلى كل من رئيس الجمهورية، ورئيس الجمعية الوطنية، ومجلس الشيوخ ويتم نشره.
-الفصل الثالث:
-أحكام ختامية:
-المادة 18 عند الضرورة تحدد إجراءات هذا الأمر القانوني، بموجب مراسيم.
-المادة 19 بنشر هذا الأمر القانوني، الذي يلغي كافة الأحكام السابقة المخالفة في الجريدة الرسمية، ويطبق باعتباره قانونا للسلطة
hi mom
i think this new law is a big step in the history of mauritania's democratie (ibecherna we ibechrak bel kheyr) but who do u think will be the president of the opposition?
Hi rim politician
in light of the new draft law, the leader of the opposition will someone who is on good terms with everyone. He has to be endorsed by the opposition and able to work and coordinate well with the government. I think someone with these qualities merits his pay rise as well as the treatment of honor he is promised (lol)
hi every body
i like to bigen this of apologise
to mr californian , i just want to discus his views but he seem like not except the other view. to get
help from un chingitoi and said (hatha nou3 min unconie ma youjaweb)
that is part of our sickness in mauritania , every body on this world deserve to listen to and discus with , respect of people and thier views is the first later
of democracy if we realy like to build a democracy were people equal.
again i realy like to apologise and close this mater for ever I'll never go back to it again and try to discus our country main problems
i think the new law mesured for ahmed ould daddah and can explaine to us what going on the close door
btween ahmed and aly last week. ahmed get his self ready to became
the first official opposition leader after he lose the next election.
p.c sorry guys my english is not that well on writing there will be
too many mistkes on this a last comment.
Ano 1: 49
Thanks and warmly welcome, I really appreciate it. It's very nice of you to put this behind you, I, and sure Californian and UN CHINGUITOIS and everybody else, are happy to have you back.
Great to see you.
In all democracies, opposition parties are accountable to the constitution which is only binding document. The new law may look good in some aspects but it sets a precedent, the government charting the terrain for what should be done and what should not. This is dangerous, and yet the consulting with the different components of the opposition is a reassuring move by the government.
Hi mom, thanks for the information and should I remind of the "live", we can't wait to see it. There is one explanation behind this law and it has to do with the cmjd trying to get assurances that everything will ok after they leave power. If this is the only way, better rein in the opposition than have the military in power for good.
This law is bad. We don’t need the CMJD to set the standards for how the opposition should behave. This will tie how the opposition parties critique the government.
hi everyone,
How's life treating you?
ano de 1:49, As Mom already said, we would like to welcome you here. I specially think that u have an exclusive talent in misspelling. One thing for sure u did offend Mark Twain as wella as Shakespeare. But who cares!
Mom, I didn't understand this new law for a simple reason, haven't had the time to read it. But if I understood what u said, it is suppose to bring the status of the opposition leader up, may be? Well let me read it first ( hathe yasser men erza7). I will get back to you when I finish reading.
A tte!
Okay I read it :)
I think this make a lot of sense and would probably benefit the country. The opposition has to have some status (financial & social) in order to well contribute in the political arena. This is specially true in Mauritania, where Money is"everything." If the opposition is associated with problems, prison, and poverty, as it was the case, it is hard to get people's support. You don't have anything to offer them, except troubles. Indeed a man with principle would always stand by the truth no matter what, but principles are slowly disappearing from our society :(
Ely et le CMJD, regardless of I have been hearing about them, keep proving to the mauritanian people that they really came to restore une Mauritanie meilleure (el kedheb mahou chi).
Californian, wake up! we havent heard from u in a while.
Your comments are appreciated ;)
hi guys
i've just read that ZZ has been supported by (roumouz el vessad as XOY say)i heard that he is in a negotiation with S9ayer ould embarek et Cheikh el avia ould mouhamed khouna if that is true it's not in our aim to have him as a president
leave it 2 u guys
Hi everyone,
I think this new project is a step ahead toward true political reconciliation in the country. It's in nobody's interest to raw-rub wounds and send the country back in to mayhem and political uncertainty.
My worry, however, being that the government would use legal and textual loopholes in the document to arm-twist the opposition and get us back to square number one.
These worries may be soothed by the fact that the law has to be passed by the opposition law before it comes into force. It is good to proceed through consultation and compromise. Only this way we can make headway out of the political mess bequeathed to us by decades of Taya's anarchism.
UN CHINGUITOIS, where have you been. You know it won't do keep away this long, plus you're missed over here and want to read your posts. Tell me, where is Californian? I am starting to worry and wish he's ok. He's not used to this long absence, please check and tell me. Then, you know also about mark twain, jim, huckleberry finn, aunt sally, etc. That's real stuff.
Ano: 11 : 07
ZZ is a the man of the former regime, with these guys or without them.
hi everybody
mom i thimk there might be a problem in USA connection because Chinguittois and californian haven't popup for a while and the blog is a bit borring without there comments
on reclame un chinguittois et californian
by the way mom did u arrange with
one of the candidate for live u told us about and when will it be?
Hey mom,
I read everything written here machallah, and comment every now and then. I have been a bit busy during the week. But it won't happen again, this will be on top of my priorities inchallah.
About Californian, I have no clue where he is or what he's doing. I hope he's fine, just lazy to write :)
ZZ, if supported by le petit (es9ayer) ould mbarek and cheikh el3avye should be eliminated from the elections. What the hell are these people thinking?? cheikh el3avye and s9ayer again "no way Jose"
These candidates keep dissapointing me on a daily-basis:(
random thoughts:
In case all candidates are "bad choices," vote for the oldest or the weakest, that way we can make sure he won't be around for long.
Another option would be forming a political party lol Mom what do you think?
I am just throwing ideas here and there.
Keep it up guys!
This road map has given me a new reason to respect Ely and the CMJD. Not because of the coup or the fact that they set us on this democratic path, but simply because of their political intelligence. This new road map, although adequate only for mature democracies, will do wonders to the way our political elites behave. It will present opposition with funs and prestige while demanding them to abide by the rules of opposition. Let’s face it, funds, prestige and public perception are the motivators to the majority of politicians, opposition or not. This is nothing short of a stroke of genius. Just imagine the Mauritanian opposition trying to reinforce article 15 of this law. Respect of the constitution, growing political acumen among its members and then proving that in an annual report to the president? This could, if properly implemented, result in a check and balance system that is the envy of the region. I am optimistic.
As for the latest surge in support for ZZ, it is certainly true that the “kid” in the game is proving to be the savviest of all candidates. His tour that he conducted throughout the country will is paying dividends for him right now simply because the 3 weeks of official campaign will not be enough for the rest of the candidates. He, however, is surrounding himself with the wrong entourage and that will definitely hurt him. But, make not mistake about it, ZZ is moving up pretty quickly. Sidioca’s loss is ZZ’s gain every time.
One last thing. Apparently, there is a lot of money flowing in NKTT these days because of the presidential campaign. Rental 4x4 is an extremely hot business, so if you are looking for a job .. this is the time. Of course this is not intended to anyone in particular.
It looks like the electoral run up is setting the stage for a repeat of 1991 elections, with a case of A. Daddah vs the remnants of Taya. The last days have seen the seismic break up of Sidioca's camp, the aftershocks of which will have far reaching effects on all candidates. With the CMJD leaning toward him or at least staying away from the business, Daddah will have only one hurdle to clear and it is no other than but ZZ. The handsome, cold and ambitious former bank governor will restore old friends who wrongly believed in Sidioca to lead them back to privilege and power. This developments leave us with only two strong men and an interesting showdown, quite reminiscent of the first polls which pitted Daddah against Taya.
rim politician, the live is around the corner.
un chinguitois, a new party! "trab megzoura kamla".
The rush to zz is on, more and more dignitaries and leading personalities are signing up to his motion. It's no more a question of who would back zz but who can stop him from sweeping the upcoming polls. I don't bar the cmjd intervening to do with him as it did with sidioca, ely has not gone all this way to let taya's loyal friends take power back. Or perhaps ely is treating zz the same way taya treated ahmed dadah in the first elections, allow him enough support to make a good show for a victory of amed daddah. Otherwise, ely will not give the go ahead to sidioca's supporters to line up behind zz.
Hey guys!
Things are getting wild in nktt,"la7ramtne."
Californian, "el7eyou yourja"
And by the way the 4 by 4 business seems attractive except that it has high barriers to entry, the money to buy the car.I am broke as joke lol.
Mom, there is always room for innovators/entrpreneurs, people like you. We just have to pursue a differentiation strategy and be unique.
How's the search for our guest candidate going? If you can't get any of them to do it, u can always bring ould mah wella oul bedr eddine.
Good night!
it look like all going on the sides
of those two guys ahmed and zz.
till now sidioca lost all his supporters in ALHAWD ALGHARBI, to zz and ahmed gainning supporters in some places in TRARRZA from the so called indpendents in WADINAGA,maderddra ,rosso.
that may show us a second round between ahmed and zz if sidioca keep pleeding the way he is now
i was at the ZZ's Rally yesterday, and he has tremendous support, but his problem is the people around him: Cheikna ould Nainy de Nouakcohott Info, Mohamed Ould Nouaiguid, Mohamed ould Chrif ould Abdellah, and most if not all of Taya's cousins and family members. These people could sink his hope to be come president. He is young, attractive, and smart, but he will return Ould Taya's regime. He is more dangerous than SIDIOCA. He has to be stoped before Ould Taya returns in ZZ's cloth.
Look, with zz facing Ahmed daddah ,we risk having a contest between two former national bank governors. Do you know hat does it mean? It's a race involving two thieves, never mind who wins it is still the same story, a ringleader as a the president, this is by skeptical accounts. For optimists, I'm sorry I don't see any reason why we have to be optimistic. This is a farce.
Actually both of them are clean. When Ahmed Ould Dadah was a governor of central bank, there were no thieves. ZZ was an ok governor, and he tried to do the best, but he was surrounded by thieves, and he has zero personality to challenge them. He is a good person, and I know him personally, but I will not for him because he is under the influence of ould Taya and Mint Ahmed Toulba. They are the ones who are financing his campaign with the help of their tribe in Mauritania
ano 6:49
just want to know how to be a good when you were appointed by Taya to run an institution he controled? how also to be good when you're running for presidency with Taya's cash and tribal backing. Deeds tell more about people, and sorry to tell you that nobody gives a damn to good intentions.
Good morning,
I do agree with the last ano, the two guys are clean. And I think the biggest mistake of ZZ is being supported by roumouz el khazou, we dont want the old regime back. If we have to choose between the two, Daddah should be the obvious choice.
Ano avant dernier,
Stop complaining! complainer. As a wise man once said " don't hate the players, player hater. hate the game." ;)
A plus
"Entuma enseytu Hanan & Massud, ammalkum", the first is making headways in the negro-african voters while the second has already too much support to tip the scale in his favor. The two guys are doing great right now.
Judging who is doing great is in the eye of the beholder. Many candidates were able to fill the “palais de congres” in the past couple of months, but that doesn’t necessarily reflect their popularity. I know many people who attended each of the declaration of Sidioca, Dahane, Ould Mouloud, and ZZ. I wouldn’t accuse them of not having a life, but their curiosity is a reflection of many in NKTT who fill the seats and give the impression that the candidate of the day in the choice of the people. So, let’s not be fooled by appearances and look beyond the surface. Starting Saturday, we will hear about various programs and take a closer look at the individuals. This will be an opportunity for real contenders to distinguish themselves and create some separation from pretenders. Hopefully, people, especially the educated youth, will be intelligent enough to look at the candidate’s position visa vie various issues and judge accordingly.
All in all, three weeks, may be five in case of a second round, separate us from a new era of democracy in West Africa and the Arabic world. Peaceful transition if it takes place in our beloved country is something we should be very proud of … no matter who we put in the gray house.
I appreciate your last note of optimism for indeed we have to build on something and start from somewhere. The cmjd will be remembered for setting the country on the right track in spite of its poor record on number of other planes. In the midst of the hot and legitimate debate we tend to forget that Taya has left the country economically stranded, socially divided and poorly represented on the international stage, which make the chances of any future government shouldering the burn almost close to the impossible. For us, it was enough to kick Taya out from power, the cmjd did it and went even further to promise handing power to an elected government and they are set to do it. Mind you these guys mean what they say. Theirs is a good record, by any objective account.
موم، لا أدري لماذا شطبت كلمتي المختصرة جدا، آسفة إن كنت قد تسببت في الإحراج
Hi everybody
Tonight the mood is one of joy and relief, not only because when it strikes midnight sharp we would have crossed a new threshold in the country's political life against all odds, but because it's a rare moment when all Mauritanians are united in celebration and hope. It's curious to see how NKTT'S residents turn a moment marking the peak of political rivalry into a social gathering on a grand scale. Tonight, every house in this struggling city will be pouring a social contribution to the big get-together. Tonight, poverty will not be a handicap the same way opulence won't make a difference. It is just a story of life simple, easy and beautiful. No matter where you live, look, weigh, smell, you will be going to be part of a celebrating group somewhere in the city. Regardless of your color, gender, age or class, you will melt in the mix. Tonight is the one night when barriers of all sorts come down in the face of people's will for life. My recollection to this night 1991 is one of nostalgia and fun. I remember how I was broke like any Mauritanian of my age (18) who is from a low income family. It's strange that now I feel almost the same except that I no longer have the worry of who will drive me home when people start to leave the campaign headquarters of the parties. But am I happier with this small change, perhaps not. May be a little more reassured.
Pls. could you tell us how you felt that night of 1999 mid-winter, if you weren't too young to have a dim memory of it.
sorry I was 21, the year was 1991. I am a big disappointment when it comes to numbers. No wonder, I struggled to have a good financial start with a literary certificate.
mom, i beg to differ! it's a beautiful pictur you're drawing of the event, i hope to share but the reality on the ground can't be more different. you'r right people will be swarming the headquartes of the parties but the feel is never the same. we from the dienranchised parts of NKTT always stand in the last raws and may keep way from the gathering. I'M AFRAID WE'RE REMINDED OF OUR EXCLUSION WHEN WE SEE THE BRAND MERCEDES, 4 WHEELS, HAPPY LOOKING POOPLE FROM TAVREGHZEINA.
you made me homesick, I don't remember 1991 that well, I was a bit young at the time.
But one thing for sure, "el 7amle" is one great thing that the mauritanian society take full advantage of machaAlah.
When you look back at ur past momeries, the best moments that comes to ur mind are the ones when you had everything except money, which clearly advocates for the famous saying "L'argent ne fait pas le bonnheur."
the last Ano, don't get angry at the people from TVZ lol, the most important thing is happyness, Be happy, compare urself to the people around u ( have the same income level) and everything will be fine.
And if u're ambitious, do what Mom did study and make ur dreams come true.
PS. Mom in the previous lines, I assumed what I said about u.
Keep us updated about "el7amle"
El 7amle in 1991 was a time for me to hang out at the various tents, listen to music and exercise my right to chase every girl who dares to hang out late at night. Of course at the time, the girls were still innocent and the “game” was amusing. Things are much different now from what I hear. It is interesting to notice that during the earlier campaign this year; all the tents set up around the city were pretty empty, most of the time. Apparently the real campaign was happening indoor, a clear indication of our “modern” evolution and continues transformation. A great time indeed.
I don't want to be paranoid about Alhamla 1991 for fear of showing too much emotions in public and also UN CHINGUITOIS doesn't have too much hang of it. And Californian tell me where did you make history witnessing the first campaign being kicked off in the country. I know from the adventures you were in NKTT, but exactly where? I remember being with a friend and classmate in Tafrag Zeina and went through a terribly embarrassing situation. Always being where we are not expected to be, with the company we should not hold. But who cared then, we tasted everything and sometimes it cost, and so!
Mom, if you are in the US please do you know an old friend whose name is "El Hafedh Ould Taleb Imijin". If you have his contact number or e-mail please pass it to me. I feel we may all be part of the same generation at the university of NKTT, English department.
Californian, u forgot to tell us that they all dumped u lol
Mom, walk us through ur embarassing moment, it is time to share it with someone and sharing is caring
Waiting for ur replies!
UN CHINGUITOIS, where did you get that twist of genius, I can't see how Californian is going to strike back, I'm dying of laughter (lol)
The time will come when we will sit down and share it, promise, now save me the embarrassment and I'll appreciate it. Plus, i can't risk being met with same feed back like Californian (lol)
talk later, now time to bed, 6:30. This is not new, i know it rings a bell
Good night mom,
talk to u soon!
Hey kid, being knocked down makes you stronger. so, its nothing to be ashamed of.
Glad to see that MOM didn't fall for your "sharing is caring" trap. you, my friend, have trouble written all over you. i am watching you man.
al right .. have to admit, you are the funniest guy on the blog.
hi guys
"7ajeletna eb lekhyame rabi la7rametna" as u said the campaign in nktt has a nice atmosphere but this one is diferrent than the once before because we don't
7meyrena lakhdhar (Ma3awiya) as a candidate so we r wondering who is going to be our president and i personally that the 2nd tour is going to be between ZZ and Hanena
mom how about our guest
hey guys what's up where r u ? i thought most of us r abroad . r u preparing for the campaign or what?
Hi rim politician
It would have been fun holding your company and the rest of you last night, but well, we weren't lucky. It was just a brief moment away from politics and a ride into the past. Matter of those strong youth memories that you can't keep under lock and key when their time is up.
Back to Alhamla, you are night, one man tonight will be grieving to see the outburst of joy when the tic toc strikes midnight in NKTT. That man is none but "feilily", he alone will not have enough peace of mind to celebrate "his loss of power".
I went through all the posts and comments on this blog and was disappointed to find no word on Heidala. While some candidates have received important scrutiny and are receiving it still, Heidala doesn't seem to be of a concern here. I don't know why. It makes sense to be against him, to criticize him but just to cross him out from the debate is something I can hardly understand.
With the benefit of the doubt attributed I 'will raise the following assuming that under-representing Haidala was not done on purpose.
First, Heidla is chairing one of the most solid alliances in the country. While we see breakaways from and disintegrations of various political camps, the parties which stood behind Heidala are likely to stay the course. This make of him a candidate who is gaining and not losing. This is on a purely political level.
Second, notwithstanding his military leadership of the country, Heidala fought along with the "ant-Taya" opposition and was imprisoned and accused of planning to topple the regime. Some are trying to carve an image of him as some one who has retired from politics jumping over the man's continuing commitment to bring about change in the country.
Third, Heidala has rich political experience behind him and has been an insider and an outsider of our politics long enough to steer the country way from troubles.
Fourth, last but not least, his charisma and strong personality will be put to the good benefit of fighting corruption and "rumuz alfassad" who are expected to win any president to their side.
Mom, and the others, please be fair to our only hope of getting out of the mess, Heidala.
With all due respect to your candidate, a vote for Haidalla is a vote for backward progress. The four positive points you raised are shared by many candidates and you didn’t really distinguish him. We all hope for a new fresh start for the country and Haidalla is neither new nor fresh.
Good start to the campaign to everyone.
Ano, 15:45
Heidala has run this country for four long and dark years, has tortured, killed and behaved like he was a divine supernatural power. Now, we are ready to vote him out of the political process and let go with his crimes if he stops taking us for fools. What's wrong with this people? They don't look at the mirror!
Hey kidos,
Californian, Thanks for the comment, about me being funny. It's true. I lack modesty though ;)
El7amle started 50 min ago, people are having fun there machallah. A piece of advice from a man with some relevant experience. Don't call ur significant other, they won't pick up lol. Californian u know what I am talking about.
Mom, how's el 7amle? u're our representive there lol The details are required!
Haidalla's supporter, I did say once that haidalla is my favorite candidate. Although I didn't mean it, Give me the credit.
This is a neutral territory, everyone has the right to have his favorite candidate. And if haidala is ur favorite candidate it's ur duty to market him, and hope that we are convinced.
I am waiting for ur replies!
I can see that you're poles apart when it comes to the former president Haidlla, which may explain why he slipped away from the debate on the blog. It goes without saying that we can always argue for anything and even win the argument, but this doesn't make me any less of the view that Haidala is not the best choice. In fact, when he first stood for the presidency I thought it was a joke because someone of his age and in his shoes would do good to the country and himself by staying away from politics. For the country since his leadership back in the early eighties was a disaster by anyone's estimation. I have in mind the daily riots, the political instability and the imprisonment of students and politicians. And "Al HAYAKEL", he not only run the country by an iron fist but also was so uninspired and uninspiring as to borrow from Libyan Kadaffi. Plus a lot more. For himself since he could have spared himself the trouble of being exposed to the younger generation which came to political maturity after he was ousted from power.
About the political parties behind him, please give me a break.
The most dangerous thing in this country is that we don't know what we want much less what we need. What we need is a president who will be for all Mauritanians and will bring hope where there's only despair. The failure of our former presidents can be traced back to putting their regional and ethnic allegiance ahead of national interests, Heidala is know that he ruled the country on behalf of no specific class or region. He appealed to all Mauritanians and that's what we need at this moment.
Mom, I respect you view but the political circumstances were different then. There was no democracy and not even any talk about institutions. The main priorities were social justice and public services, and Hiadala had a good record on these.
ano 17:11
Heidalla doesn’t have a good record of social justice. It may seem as a good era compared to the disastrous period that followed with Taya. But we are not here to judge by those low standards. The fact of the matter is that Haidalla was throwing politician in prison without even putting them through trial and that is well documented fact. I wouldn’t call that justice. I agree that we need a president who is for all Mauritanian and brings hope, as you put it, but the “Uniter” title you bestowed on your candidate was not a mere reflection of his leadership at all. As for the “Fresh” faces on the list, I am not here to advocate any one in particular, but my point was that to bring reform, most of the time you have to look at issues with fresh eyes. Eyes that are not influenced by the past, especially a regrettable one. New ideas and approaches will surface and that will be a healthy thing. Not to belittle experience, it is definitely a necessity and a prerequisite, but our experience has not necessarily been one that we want to draw from.
We know what we want and that is a new beginning.
I am no entirely sure that things like where a candidate chooses to launch his campaign or the type of people who were around him at this important moment are just ceremonial and have no impact on his thinking and programme. These are decisions taken after thinking and counsel and are in line with how one likes to be seen and received. With this in mind I'm driven nuts tonight with Mauloud starting his campaign from Tafragh Zeina, ZZ from Ryad and Rachid from aboard his plane, he left to "Sharg" right after he gave the go ahead to his campaign. The only thing I can make of this is that everyone is running from something in his past and has something to prove. The labor –advocate smooching to the high class while the millionaire is so caring to share with the poor.
are u in nktt? and if yes, your observations should be deeper than what ur telling us. i read what u just said on alakhbar site.
also whe you say your bed time at 6:30 yeasterday that was middle eastern time. Are u in Saudi or something?
Mom, you forget to tell us that unlike those you listed above, Hiadala was in Kaiheidi for the "hamla". That's a long way for someone from the north to go if he doesn't mean it.
There must be a full court press online for the Heidalla camp. XouldY blog is being bombarded by the heidalists as well.
Sidioca left the country when he was fired from his minister post, A. Daddah left following the toppling of his brother, who also left in his turn "allah yarahmou" after his release from prison. Shall I remind everyone that only Haidala choose to stay because he dedicated his life for this country. Can't you see?
Ano 19:27
fresh air, oooooooof
Haidala our preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesident
Haidala our preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesident
Haidala our preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesident
Haidala our preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesident
Haidala our preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesident
Haidala our preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesident
Haidala our preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesident
Haidala our preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesident
Haidallah had no other place to go: no education, no one wanted to have him, did not prepare for the coup because his entourage made him understand what he was doing was very ok and there was no room for nything because he put you in jail for any different view. I fully respect your choice, but I have lots of doubt that Haidallah will bring any change to good governance, economic and social development and the rule of law. Why we have always have these bloody stupid militaries anyway? You can yourself run.
N.B: I read the programme of ZZ of 22-2-07 (his website and I am not a supporter of ZZ) and it seems very good and very competent. However, if given the opportubity to win, will he be able to carry out his promises, being surrounded by sharks ? ...
guys i went to see all the "hamlas" of the candidates and followed the updates on this blog and others, i come out with this two contradictory impressions.
one, from what they say all the candidates have good programmes and to judge by that are good future presidents. I congratulate myself for this late discovery. All the candidates hold similar ideas of justice, reviving the economy, fighting unemployment and changing the sad face of the country. On this they can not be more unanimous.
second, it's more of a question than an answer. what does it mean when everyone is echoing the other? i'm worried.
Haidala, the fashion now, is like anyone else, let him stand the test and see where it leads.
البارحة كان المرشح الأكثر حماقة وغباء بامتياز هو سيدي ولد الشيخ عبد الله، ففضلا عن وجوه الفساد التي لا يستطيع إخفاءها ظل مقر حملته طوال الليل مقرا للرقص والترف الماجن. لقد كان كمن يدير حلبة للمواعدة في ناد ليلي أكثر من مرشح يدير حملة جيدة للفوز بعقول وقلوب الموريتانيين. سحقا لك يا سديوكا، فعلا أنت مرشح الفساد والمفسدين. حتى زين ولد زيدان اختار أن يكون لحملته بعدا رمزيا فقد احتفى بالحدث بين الفقراء والمحرومين، أمر لا يمكن أن يخفي حقيقته كمرشح النظام المسعور السابق لكن على الأقل كان حريصا على مراعاة الذوق العام والتزام أدبيات السياسية.
I am sorry by ano brother of 07:59. Not all candidates have made a programme that holds the road. I have been searching the whole in their sites and hat I fiound is just generalties. They don't know hat they are doing. One thing is clear, they are only looking for power and do not know what to do next. ZZ programme is the best I have came accross and I am still not his fan. Being honest this period is very important. Go get ZZ declaraton and read it. You are writing in English and I assume that you are educated. Think
My dear ano 8 : 56
You dealt only with my first point which is sarcastic and meant to highlight that lack of difference on issues among the candidates points to what you put as "looking for power". On this I think we agree. But no way we can have similar views on zz, who I think you try to sell in polite way. Take my word for it, all the candidates are faces of the same coin.
Good Day to everyone,
El7amle has officially started in Mauritania, Mardi Gras is taking place in Nouakchott and I am missing it, but that's fine.
From what I have read in the news, Le jeune ZZ is doing "the Best" job. He started his campaign from a poor neighborhood. His promises were more detailed, he gave us numbers (adding 20,000 jobs per year). I liked his mentality. I, however, dont like the fact that he's surrounded by some of the old regime figures, may be he needs their money and support.
Californian, if I understood what u wrote ZZ should be the one u vote for.
A.Daddah, started from Nema which is a good thing too. He wants to win ehl charg support, which in case he does he's probably our next president. Not a bad thing I guess.
I also read that we will definetly
be looking at a second round inchaAlah.
Long story short, we should be thankful, this is progress vetebarakallah.
PS, A big mistake that all candidates did was not starting their campaigns from chinguitti, that coud've been a key point in my decision :)
A plus
hey guys
the campaign has lounched last night and i can't belive that Mauritania is going to be democrate so guys don't be greedy and thanks God to have a president who is elected by his citizen i've red all the candidates programes and i personally think zz is the best but i don't like him to be the president b coz of his entourage
about that every candidates had started his campaign from a place that in my view is an old type of
wake up guys is the week end
Obviously we were all carried away by "elhamla". It really feels goods to follow the do's and don'ts of this new milestone and see how Mauritanians are coping with the odds. What is striking, though, is that up to now the cmjd had not poked its nose in the business, a story that merits to be told in my view. Sometimes we forget that it's equally helpful to speak the truth about power, particularly when power is doing its part in having everybody at home with it. My fears were that at the end of the day the cmjd will take measures to jeopardize the entire process. I'm glad the late developments have lead me and others to change our minds and let go with these worries.
Zz seems to be making headways among the community of the blog (l0). Gentlemen, it's not about qualified and well meaning individuals that zz is being discredited. Had did it been for that, I would be the first to line up behind him. Zz is the old regime's way to come back to power, and if it happens his personal qualifications won't count. It's the system that trails behind him which is sounding the alarms and it's a pity someone of his intelligence is willing to go down that line.
ZZ entourage is a problem, but you have to admit that he running a good campaign. Starting from a poor neighborhood was a great move if he didn’t show up an hour and half late for the meeting. All other are making promises, and the best promise I heard was Ould Maouloud promising a scholarship to all women who reach university level. This is creative and very much needed. Our women are often time discouraged in their education knowing that they won’t have the chance to continue due to social restriction and the wait for that savior husband. To encourage them to seek higher education and be a little more independent is certainly a great idea. I like it.
Over all however, if the crowed attending is any indication, there were six candidates in NKTT who gathered a respectable amount of supporters. Ould Maoulou, ZZ, Sidioca, Dahane, Masoud, and Saleh. Plenty of similarities and what they all said.
Hey Un Chinguittois,
May be you need to claim Dahane since he is from Chinguitti.
I was for a moment thinking ZZ may be the right choice, but when I read what you wrote about him being another version of the old regime. I am disappointed :(
We do not want him if that's the case.
But what if it's not the case? what if he's using the old regime figures to get the financial backing he needs. And at the end he will let them down for the sake of the country.
ZZ wouldn't be able to achieve what he achieved without their support. He had to choose between "using" them or losing.
He chose not to lose.
And if ZZ is doing all what he's doing just to get the old regime back, We have to make sure he doesn't get elected.
From a personal and modest viewpoint, I think that the safe bet is O. Daddah.
I like O.Maouloud too, but he doesn't seem to have the required support, although it's not an excuse for me.
Mom, we are still waiting for our deabte :)
Californian, U're right, but I am trying to be neutral, and it is hard lol.
I have an idea, everyone names the candidates who he can tolorate being presidents, and the ones he can't, expalaing the latter.
I will start,
can tolerate:
O, Maouloud,
ZZ ( in case he's not=old regime)
Haidala (maybe)
Can't tolerate:
Saleh , he doesn't have what it takes to be president. Calling for radical changes. Long stoty short he is not ready yet, we aren't either.
SIDIOCA, older and weaker version of Maawiya. What can be worse?
Mes3oud, very radical and he's wereid, I don't like wereid people.
ZZ( in case he is = old regime)
Les inconnues, Ils sont inconnus ou thak kavi.
It's ur turn!
hi everybody
un chinguittois
ZZ have des bandi with him it is the same case with dadah
i heard that Hanana had visited "ebatique essa9e6" today LOL
i think that is an old version of politics
hanana u r not Oumar ibn abdel aziz so don't waste ur time visiting ebatique essa9e6 focus in something more impotant than what u r doing
mom what u said about ZZ might be true but who do u think is better than him
well ould maouloud can be better but the problem is that he is not goin to be a president
un chinguittois
what is dahan doing on the list or b coz californian said he is from chinguitti
r u asking ask us who would we like to be a president or who do we think is going to be a president?
Great to see you back
It'll be a deadly mistake to assume that zz is just an edited version of Sidioca, a wealthy and confident contender who expects everyone to show up in his living room and swear allegiance. This isn't the style of zz and it's not him. We're talking about a high-flying graduate from the most prestigious colleges who made it to the top as a self-made and self-reliant person. Ambitious, cold and young, zz is well expected to put up a fierce fight and push himself to the limit. This is showing already. He managed to conduct a well organized campaign and the choice of place is quite revealing in this regard. But not because you have enough resources and intelligence to lead a good campaign that you become the right choice. Zz is very smart and is making great promises, but all the work and energy he is putting in his campaign is tantamount to nothing given the easy money and the mafias behind him. I'm of the idea that individual is the product of the system, not other way around. Zz is now where he is because of the support he gathers from the remnants of the old regime. If he makes it to the top post, it'll be his turn to do the payback and we'll be thrown into mess again.
Pls: take sidioca and zz out and you'll have me onboard, regardless of the winner.
UN CHINGUITOIS, I'm working on the debate and the delay is thanks to elhamla. Kicking elhamla from Chinguiti is a great idea (lol)
rim politician,
About Dahan u re completely right! I take him off my list.
You guys, Taya has been long IN EXILE and his cronies back home spare no effort to bring him back, the only way is to win the country back for him. It's up to us to allow them or to deny them, so stop talking and do something about it.
Hello daybreaking people
I want you to know that this is an interesting blog and that there are a lot of interesting ideas here, I am happy to join you. I've one remark to make, though. Despite the diversity of opinions, some party leaders and candidates are completely absent for the debate. Massoud, Dahan, Ould Mauloud, Haidala, etc.
Mom, I've to thank you for this blog, it's a pioneering idea and a success, keep showing us the ugly side of our political life.
anonym 14:37
leave Taya alone, it's wrong to blame him for the mistakes of the current situation.enough scapegoats.
ولد حننا اختتم الآن مهرجانا صاخبا في العاصمة حضرة العديد من مؤيديه
last Ano/L'arabisante,
Hanana can't be our president! We give him the credit for shaking TAYA's empire as well as the blame for innocent lives lost due to his coup and faillure.
However, I have to recognize that he's supported by the majority of "les Arabisants wehel Bac O."
what are the websites of the candidates?
And which candidate has the best songs? that does count especially for people who like "tarav" I am clearly not talking about l arabisante lol
I wanna share with u what I found "funny" Ould Hannana, according to, was in "marset le7moum" and he met an old man in his sixties. The old man asked hanana " is it true that u will "break up" the realtions with Israel?" Hanana responded: "if I am elected I will." the old man, tjs d'apres, said "I give u my world that we (souna3 te9lidiyin) will vote for u."
What alakhbar should've taken into consideration is that the old man doesn't know what he's talking about (medegdeg rassou).
I just got an idea, I think the candidates should plan on building retirement homes for old people, where they can find people of their age and have fun together.
لا أخفيك سرا أنك تتمتع بحس فكاهة أصيل وأنت لاشك من الشمال "آدرار"، لكن الشأن السياسي يقتضي التحدث عن قضايا محددة وواضحة، فما هي تلك القضايا التي ترى أن صالح ولد حننا قد لا يمثلها وما هي مآخذك عليه بالتحديد، عدى بالتأكيد الأشياء التي ذكرتا سلفا
ثم أين البقية؟ موم، كاليفورنيان وريم السياسي والقائمة الطويلة من المجهولين
تأخر الليل، دمتم بخير
I fully agree with Chinguetois in relation to Hanena. There is nothing class to expect from him, but he is clever to seek support from the poor and destitutes and one or two newspapers of arabisant/nationalist obedience are following him up to report on his campaining. The problem is also that most of the people have always been left out in the cold by the previous regimes thanks to people well educated surrounding the masters of he moment. An example: Ely wanted as a priority to develop the center of the town around bloc A. That is his priority. If I were him and thinking coming back, I would started pourring that money into developing the pour areas around Nouakchott. But they don't think because some people will make some money out of developing SNIM/BCM towers, but less in developing the poor neighborhoods. Regarding the candidates'programmes, there are those for AOD, ZZ,Dahane and Haidallah. The rest of the crowd is just generalities surrounding their CVs and nothing concrete. It tells you about th competence of our would-be leaders.
I am pleased to have you among us to add a feminine flavor and a voice to the debate. I am still curious, however, what did you write last time that caused MOM to delete it. May be you or MOM can explain. You weren't hitting on Chinguittois by any chance were you? that could've made MOM jealous.
I can't tolerate the following to be presidents:
Daddah, Heidalla, Sidioca, Mas3oud or any of the inconnue.
I can't vote for any of these because they are either extreme in their point of view, or just not at age or a state of mind to lead us in the future.
That leaves:
ZZ, Ould Maouloud, Dahane and Saleh
These four are my choice for various reasons that I have touched upon in the past. I will be following them very closely throughout the campaign to see if any of them will emerge as a clear favorite.
u made me laugh :) as they said " elmoujaweratou te3di."
I share the same level of curiosity
on why Mom erased her comments . And to answer ur question she was definetely hitting on me lol let's put it this way : (كانت تراودني عن نفسي)
Moutabi3e, I am kidding by the way.
the blog is getting more and more interesting, I'm loving it.
Mom, we need you back as soon as possible, otherwise we might diverge to discuss online dating.
And don't erase moutabi3e's comment just because she's hitting on me lol.
Good night everyone!
every one off those 4 can make it to the palace , ahmed,sidioca,zz.saleh
they have a reall support on the ground in every singel state but DAHAN are you kiding me who will vote to this anonymous. i don't think we need a militery guy as a president any more .
I honestly don know what's going on anymore, every time I'm away for a while I miss some great moments on the blog. UN CHINGUITOIS & CALIFORNIAN, it would have been very kind of you to remember me at least, or put it otherwise "et mashouli thawabha". And UN CHINGUITOIS, it's still premature to start talking about dating, back home it takes a lot longer than where you're (lol). Like you, I welcome (متابعة) and hope she would not take this seriously, it was just "kalamu alleili", CHINGUITOIS would love to have it this way.
Califorian, what's this gentleman talk, I thought may be you're straightforward with the significant other, like you were back in the 90s.
Ano 00:04
I agree to your four favorites "ahmed,sidioca,zz.saleh",but I'll add "Massoud, Dahan"
Mom welcome back,
Where were u last night? And what's new v nktt?
If the bloggers are "a representative sample" of the mauritanian population. I agree with u that these guys are the favorites. But they are not for many reasons:
1. Bloggers are very few (representative sample should be a large one)
2. they are the most educated in the country ( Although being among the best educated in Mauritania is not a real challenge lol)
3. most of them are in foreign countries and they wont be able to vote anyway.
This definetly does not represent the Mauritanian population. Therefore we cannot conclude that these candidates have what it takes to win the upcoming elections.
Although I might seem to be playing the devil's advocate I am not :)
Marahba wa sehla UN CHINGUITOIS,
Tell you what, there is nothing wrong with advocating the devil if it means running counter to mainstream and common place ideas. Also, being predictable all the time is dull and boring, this is why I always find it a challenge to read for you. We're never on a familiar turf when it has to do with your contribution. I felt it's time to pass this judgment and also shine a light on what we all should be doing, seeing differently and talking differently.
Yet, I think the blog community is a burgeoning one and it keeps expanding. Lack of other media outlets in the country has lead thousands of readers to migrate to the bolgs, also you've the privilege to write anonymously. I also think the bloggers flesh out their favorites on the basis of what they think is the candidates's real weight. It remains to be said that like all virtual platforms, the bolgs are an imitation of reality out there, you find all walks of life.
hey guys
how is ur weekend so far?
guys have u heard what is the programe of O Salihi hammou yewkel dem9etna
he said that he will make a trumway in nktt lol and foreingners egmelhoum i7ejou 3la ker3eyhoum men irawe visa nktt
he has a GSOH
Hi mom, un chinguitois, rimpolitical
Who's this salihi anyway, I never heard of him so far? I'm sure he's not my thing, but he'll have my vote if he really means the forty thousand dowry. But my fear that once in the palace he'll say we have to pay similar amount to cover divorce costs. I can wok hard to get the amount for marriage but not for the break up!
hi anonyms
well if u can't afford it for the break up ettessa3 we khalli 3anak etba3rice
"ettakhalya" has nothing to do with being reckless, it's the only blessing there's in this society. You can't bear the curse of poverty and an espouse all your life.
الحملة على أشدها والقادة السياسيون يبدو أنهم قد تفرقوا أيادي سبأ، يجوبون البلاد الآن لكسب الأصوات
والمؤيدين. أما عن البرامج فالتشابه هو السمة العامة وهذا متوقع في بلد لا يزال المرشحون فيه يتمتعون بكامل الحرية لإطلاق الوعود حتى مع علمهم المسبق بأنهم سيخلفونها. لكن لنتفاءل فنحن الآن على الطريق الصحيح
Zein Ould Zeidan will be on Aljazeera Mubasheer to discuss his program in ten minutes from now.
hi moutabi3a
u write a very formal arabic"el 3arabiya 3la le3leyatte ma9ssoula" (lol) u seem to be a journaliste as the way u write
anyway nice job from a girl
elli mahou ve leyde mateguel3ou el3eza i don't even have a tv
thank you FYI
ZZ is now on TV Mauritania, we're competing with Aljazeera, this is a real waw (lol). Go ahead guys, we have also oil, so we're no more in Africa. Mauritania is a gulf state.
Wow the blog is getting a lot of participations mashAllah. Good!
For the one who said we are a golf state i can't help but happily disagree with him.
I disagree b/cause we have very little oil compared to these countries, and we just started the production, so don't get ur hopes high and particulary dont count on oil to solve ur future problems lol.
The "happily" part is due to my conviction that our current situation (poverty and all other pbms) is much better than how it is in many golf states. Life is horrible in most of these countries. No freedom of any kind (speach, choice, etc) and people are ignorant and arrogant at the same time.
Keep it up!
We khitamouhou Miskoune!
I just wanted to have the privelege to write the 10o post on the blog.
Congratulations to everyone!
Mom, u should start thinking about selling publicity lol
Add that milestone to your resume Chinguittois. I recall you saying that it was not a big deal.
Watching the candidates free time slots on tvm. some, obviously, more interesting that others. majority are embarrasing.
Un chinguitois
You go and sign the post no 100, while everyone else is watching zz, that's no good. Congrtas for this leap, everybody.
Is it just me or the theme song for Saleh's campaign sounds like the song of "kitab" from Taya's years?
Mauritanians play in the same "bett", which makes it look like all songs are the same. A great similarity between Hanana's song and "Kitab" indeed (taya ente vem)
Le magazine espagnole, dont l’adresse suit, organise un sondage pour élire la personnalité historique la plus influente. La liste comprend notre Prophète Mouhammad (que la Prière et le Salut d’ALLAH soient sur lui) désigné ici par Mahoma. Pour exprimer votre opinion, cliquez dans le cercle à gauche de l’illustre nom, puis dans la case à droite, au bas de la page où se trouve le mot VOTAR (voter). Wa innahou WLLAHI laghaniyoun 3an notre plébiscite.
تقوم مجلة أسبانية باستطلاع للرأي لإ ظهار أبرز إنسان في التريخ و قد قدمت قائمة فيها سيد الخلق محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام رُمز لاسمه بالحروف Mahoma . فمن أراد أن يصوت له ، وهو والله لغني عن أصواتنا، فليدخل في موقع المجلة التي يلي عنوانها. وطريقة التصويت كالتالي: انقر في الدائرة الواقعة عن يسار الإسم الشريف ثم في مربع أسفل الصفحة يمينا و قد كتب فية كلمة صوت بالأسبانية
They just finished the free time slots for the candidates on TVM, and since today is the day of Oscars and academy awards in Hollywood here in California, here’s my awards for the following categories:
Best public speakers: Saleh
Worst Speaker: Sidioca
Worst Use of Free TV time: Ould Jeyed (that was horrible 5 minutes)
The Language Award: Dahane (apparently the guys speaks 6 languages)
The Best Theme Song: Ould Daddah (Malouma has always been his best asset)
The Best Look: ZZ (moutabi3a would agree)
The “I am too old to hold a microphone” award: Heidalla
mohamed cheikhna,
u re wereid that's all I can say.
Et t hors sujet emmeli.
Californian, that was very original from you. I liked it!
The best part was when u asked about the Moutabi3e's opinion. Let's hope Dicaprio gets the best actor award. He's done some great movies this year, the departed and blood diamond. And he's a great actor in general.
Mohamed cheikhna e3deytni, as a consequence I am off topic.
Califronian waiting for ur reply!
it's look like going on the way of
AHMED OULD DADDAH he is getting great support so far so i beleave that he is our next president ,he is doing will even if not the best.
wow ano 21:47
you came to that conclusion all by yourself? such an indepth analysis.
Thanks mom for the summary. Very useful this new law and I realize its usefulness more now. I did a careful reading of the X Ould Y blog and really people are talking. Please visit and all of you see with an academic eye. There is plenty for a PhD research paper or dissrtation in political sociology or sociology alone. I think we are not out of the woods, true democracy or a faked one. 30 or more years of brain washing is showing up. Just take an hour to see carefully. Cheers.
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